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Los Angeles, California
Interests: avatar<3 But i like a lot of things, really just anything fun and exciting, and funny people definitely
Recent Activity
Kim is now following cheeky64
Feb 7, 2010
Does anyone else think Jake sully is hotttt
Does anyone else think Jake sully is hotttt Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2010 at Kim's blog
haha YES!!
and Clash of the Titans looks good but im really just mostly going to go see it because Sams in it!
just watch terminator salvation the only reson why...
just watch terminator salvation the only reson why i watched it was because sam was in it i thought it wasnt that bad of a movie anybody seen it too just because sam was in it?
Jake "Lets dance"
And i think its funny that i memorized this whole part!!
Jake: "Hey thanks for killing those things...(Neytiri hits him with stick)
Neytiri: Dont thank, you dont thank for this! this is sad, very sad ONLY!
All this is your fault they did not need to die.
Jake: My fault?! They attacked me..
Jake: aay, if you love your little forest friends, why not let them just kill my ass huh? Whats the thinking?
Neytiri: Why save you?
Jake: Yeah, why save me?
Neytiri: You have a strong heart. No fear.....But stupid! Ignorant like a child
hahahahahah i always mouth that part in the theatres
And my family hears it everyday when im home!
What is your favorite quote in AVATAR? mine is...
What is your favorite quote in AVATAR? mine is "Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move."
Kim is now following Tarya *SpiritualDreamwalker*
Feb 7, 2010
You're right it never gets old and it never will!!
today was my eleventh time seeing it and still wont be my last!
No title
Mahway etsmekana, mahway
(i know its spelled wrong)
Okay, here's a good question (be careful, it's a...
Okay, here's a good question (be careful, it's a bit tricky). When Neytiri kneels next to the first viperwolf she has slain and extracts her arrow, what is it she says to the slain animal in Na`Vi?
Kim is now following Steve
Feb 3, 2010 Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Kim's blog
Sam Worthington, (dont know what id ask)
but i'd love to be in the next movie
A question for all of you: If you could meet one...
A question for all of you: If you could meet one member of the AVATAR cast or crew, who would it be and what would be your first question?
When Jake was knocked off the Ikran and hanging over the cliff. Tsu'tey was laughing at that reason and was thinking he is a moron (scoun) who was going to die at that scene.
(Well, he says "that moron is going to die" and was laughing)
No title
Kim is now following freddygotbummed
Jan 30, 2010
Yesterday was my 10th time seeing Avatar :) and it...
Yesterday was my 10th time seeing Avatar :) and it will definitely not be my last time (in cinemas) Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2010 at Kim's blog
Kim is now following AVATAR
Jan 30, 2010
Kim is now following Avax
Jan 30, 2010
Kim is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2010
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