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My vision is for advocacy with survivors,
Interests: I am a sister.
I am a mother.
I am a daughter.
I am a grandmother.
I am a family member.
I am a friend.
I am a listener.
I am a leader.
I am an artist.
I am a writer.
I am a thinker.
I am a helper.
I am an advocate.
I am many things in this life, but a victim is no longer one of those things. Now I get to help others find those things within themselves.
I am proud of the decisions I have made in my life. I am proud of the person I have become. I am proud to be part of the solution, however small that part is.
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thank you Lord
< Thank you Lord for my Process and all things I have to go through. Thank you Lord for giving me Endurance Power and the will to serve you! Thank you Lord for Mercy; your grace and mercy in my life, ...Thank you Lord for Time; time to set things... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2010 at Lovelyb49's blog
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Jul 3, 2010
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Posted Jul 3, 2010 at Lovelyb49's blog
What's your favorite Facebook app?
The rise of parent abuse has many parents feeling too ashamed to get the help they need. If your teen is violent, don’t minimize the problem. Face it head on.
Perhaps the biggest obstacles to overcoming parent abuse are shame and blame. If your teen is violent (hitting, threatening, intimidating, name-calling, shoving, etc.) it’s tough to even think about getting help because acknowledging or naming the problem is painful.
To make matters worse, once parents that are suffering abuse find the courage to reach out they often do not find the help they need. Instead they find blame –“this is your fault because you are a bad parent.”
It is no wonder that parent abuse – an increasingly common problem – is not often talked about or adequately addressed.
If you are suffering abuse at the hands of your son or daughter, please know this:
You are not alone – again, although the problem isn’t often talked about, it does exist and it is increasingly common. Blaming is not the answer or even a useful response to the problem.
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Posted Jul 3, 2010 at Lovelyb49's blog
What's your favorite Facebook app?
I am a sister.
I am a mother.
I am a daughter.
I am a grandmother.
I am a family member.
I am a friend.
I am a listener.
I am a leader.
I am an artist.
I am a writer.
I am a thinker.
I am a helper.
I am an advocate.
I am many things in this life, but a victim is no longer one of those things. Now I get to help others find those things within themselves.
I am proud of the decisions I have made in my life. I am proud of the person I have become. I am proud to be part of the solution, however small that part is.
National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD
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Posted Jul 3, 2010 at Lovelyb49's blog
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Jul 3, 2010
Lovelyb49 is now following Kim Bach Le
Jul 3, 2010
Lovelyb49 is now following Denise Wakeman
Jul 3, 2010
Lovelyb49 is now following "miss" james
Jul 3, 2010
Lovelyb49 is now following A Beautiful Mess
Jul 3, 2010
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Jul 3, 2010
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Jul 3, 2010
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