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Annie Loyd Bachand
Recent Activity
Devaki - this sounds absolutely divinely delicious! I am excited to fix this! Thank you for your wonderful contribution to incredible cuisine!
Devaki Das - definitively the Diva of Delicious!!! The trip back in time was divine - what amazing culinary delights we have been missing out on! I have never experienced such an amazing meal - granted the gathering of exceptional friends set the stage. The royal feast: the kebabs were moist and mouth watering and continued to reveal their uniqueness with each bite, the salad refreshing, and the Biryani - WOW - each bite was a new discovery, the saffron, the cashews, the raisins, the chicken, the rice all were a perfect orchestra performing an incredible medley of divinity! It was a most a humbling experience - Thank you
Devaki!!! our delicious diva of divine dining delights! I am so excited about your adventure in to the matrix of conscious connections with communities of prospect and opportunity!!! If my ramblings are making any sense to you - thank goodness - because I think I actually confused myself - blessings and much success my dear friend! Your culinary delights are always deliciously divine!
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2010 on About last week... at Weave a Thousand Flavors
Annie Loyd Bachand is now following Devaki
Jan 14, 2010
Annie Loyd Bachand is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 14, 2010