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I'm a law professor interested in law and popular culture.
Interests: Law, European History, Popular Culture, Literature, Magic, Film, Human Rights, Cats, France and the Basque Country, Classical Music, Satire, Puns
Recent Activity
Christian Hiebaum, University of Graz, has published Some Preliminary Considerations on Legal Personhood for Nonhuman and Future Entities as Graz Law Working Paper No. 09-2024. Here is the abstract. Defining and allocating legal rights, and, by implication, assigning legal personhood, is one way to protect nonhuman entities (such as animals,... Continue reading
Dan Brennan has published Proposals for the Rights and Liabilities of Artificial Intelligence through Electronic Personhood: Conscious Machines, Hermit Crabs, and the Distant Past. Here is the abstract. Examines the complexities of contemporary AI regulation, chiefly in the technology's unique capacity for autonomous decision making and independent learning. The paper... Continue reading
Ashley Deeks, University of Virginia School of Law, has published Delegating War Initiation to Machines at 78 Australian Journal of International Affairs 148 (2024). Here is the abstract. The use of autonomy to initiate force, which states may begin to view as necessary to protect against hypersonic attacks and other... Continue reading
Victoria J. Haneman, Creighton University School of Law, is publishing The Law of Digital Resurrection in the B. C. L. Rev. (2025). Here is the abstract. The digital right to be dead has yet to be recognized as an important legal right. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and nanotechnology have progressed... Continue reading
Louis Shaheen, Ohio State University, has published Section 230's Immunity for Generative Artificial Intelligence. Here is the abstract. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 immunizes online platforms from liability resulting from the content that third parties post on their platforms. Congress passed Section 230 in response to... Continue reading
Forthcoming from Hart Publishing: Keri Grieman, Law, Death, and Robots: The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in High Risk Civil Applications (October 2024). Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents. Can the law keep up with AI? This book examines liability and regulation for artificial intelligence... Continue reading
Daniel J. Solove, George Washington University Law School, is publishing A Regulatory Roadmap to AI and Privacy as a GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper. Here is the abstract. This short essay provides a regulatory roadmap to artificial intelligence and privacy. AI and privacy are deeply intertwined and have... Continue reading
Check out this beautiful French crystalline glazed vase at the site Arthistoric. Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2024 at The Crystalline Glaze Project
Derek E. Bambauer, University of Florida College of Law, and Robert Woods, University of Arizona College of Law, are publishing AI, Artists, and Anti-Moral Rights in volume 113 of the Georgetown Law Journal Online (2024). Here is the abstract. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly used to imitate the... Continue reading
Sandra Wachter, Brent Middelstadt, and Chris Russell, all of the Oxford Internet Institute, have published Do large language models have a legal duty to tell the truth? Here is the abstract. Careless speech is a new type of harm created by large language models (LLM) that poses cumulative, long-term risks... Continue reading
Peter Lee, University of California, Davis, School of Law, is publishing Synthetic Data and the Future of AI in volume 110 of the Cornell Law Review. Here is the abstract. The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is synthetic. Several of the most prominent technical and legal challenges of AI derive... Continue reading
Mihailis Diamantis, University of Iowa College of Law, is publishing Reasonable AI: A Negligence Standard in volume 77 of the Vanderbilt Law Review. Here is the abstract. Even as artificial intelligence promises to turbocharge social and economic progress, its human costs are becoming apparent. By design, AI behaves in unexpected... Continue reading
Ying Hu, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, is publishing Unjust Enrichment Law and AI in The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 13 (forthcoming). Here is the abstract. Unjust enrichment is a plausible cause of action for individuals whose data has been collected and used... Continue reading
Paul Bilokon, Imperial College Lndon, has published Evolution-Bootstrapped Simulation: Artificial or Human Intelligence: Which Came First? Here is the abstract. Humans have created artificial intelligence (AI), not the other way around. This statement is deceptively obvious. In this note, we decided to challenge this statement as a small, lighthearted Gedankenexperiment.... Continue reading
John Bliss, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, is publishing Teaching Law in the Age of Generative AI in Jurimetrics. Here is the abstract. With the rise of large language models capable of passing law school exams and the Unified Bar Exam, how should legal educators prepare their students... Continue reading
Mark Batholomew, SUNY Buffalo Law School, is publishing A Right to Be Left Dead in the California Law Review. Here is the abstract. Technology forces us to contemplate a counterpart to the right of privacy—Brandeis and Warren’s “right to be left alone”—for the age of AI: the right to be... Continue reading
Heidi Härkönen, University of Turku Faculty of Law, is publishing The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Fashion Sector: A Moral Rights’ Perspective in Routledge Handbook of Fashion Law (E Rosati and I Calboli, eds. Routledge, 2024). Here is the abstract. This chapter discusses the copyright-related impacts that sophisticated artificial... Continue reading
Michael D. Murray, University of Kentucky College of Law, has published Artificial Intelligence for Academic Support in Law Schools and Universities. Here is the abstract. The current models of verbal generative artificial intelligence (AI)—Bing Chat, GPT-4 and Chat GPT, Bard, Claude, and others, and the current models of visual generative... Continue reading
Danielle Pelfrey Duryea, Boston University School of Law, has published What Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Mean for Clinical Legal Education? Within the last ten months, OpenAI's ChatGPT and other large language model (LLM) artificial intelligence tools have become widely available, widely celebrated, and widely feared. The legal profession is abuzz... Continue reading
Check out AI Law Librarians, this new blog on generative AI and legal education, research, and tech, from some very smart and very entertaining law librarians. Continue reading
Nicola Lucchi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Law, has published ChatGPT: A Case Study on Copyright Challenges for Generative AI Systems at 2023 European Journal of Risk Regulation 1. Here is the abstract. This article focuses on copyright issues pertaining to generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems, with particular emphasis on... Continue reading
Jonathan H. Choi and Daniel Schwarcz, both of the University of Minnesota Law School, have published AI Assistance in Legal Analysis: An Empirical Study as Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper No. 23-22. Here is the abstract. Can artificial intelligence (AI) augment human legal reasoning? To find out, we designed a... Continue reading
Eugene Volokh, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, has published Large Libel Models? Liability for AI Output at 3 Journal of Free Speech Law 489 (2023). Here is the abstract. “Large Language Model” AI programs routinely invent false and defamatory allegations, complete with invented quotes and invented newspaper... Continue reading
Vincenzo Iaia, Luiss University, has published To Be, or Not to Be … Original Under Copyright Law, That Is (One of) the Main Questions Concerning AI-Produced Works at 71 GRUR International IX (2022). Here is the abstract. This paper examines whether different types of AI-produced works, namely AI-assisted, AI-generated, and... Continue reading
Aslihan Asil, Yale University, and Thomas Wollmann, University of Chicago, have published Can Machines Commit Crimes Under US Antitrust Laws? Here is the abstract. Generative artificial intelligence is being rapidly deployed for corporate tasks including pricing. Suppose one of these machines communicates with the pricing manager of a competing firm,... Continue reading