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Zack Torsin
Canada Eh?
Canadian, Die hard follower of Avatar
Interests: avatar, posting about avatar, and blogging about avatar, not a geek or nerd (lol) and yes, I know this Avatar picture (in more ways than one) is quite common, but damn it's intimidating...
Recent Activity
nope, not suprised whatsoever. It just makes me onder though, will this trilogy turn into a 6 part series of movies?
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Time to do that running thing...
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ty, however, I would like to hear from the person in charge of this site on what THEIR opinion is, because it is most likely not James Cameron ho manages this site, but someone else who does it for him or something like that. Anyways, thanks for the info :)
Hey, AVATAR, or whoever is in charge of this site,...
Hey, AVATAR, or whoever is in charge of this site, I have a question for you. Why did James Cameron make this film in the first place? Was it because of such a story that he wanted to bring to life? Was it because of the fantastic technology used to make Pandora and this entire movie? Or is there...
Hey, AVATAR, or whoever is in charge of this site,...
Hey, AVATAR, or whoever is in charge of this site, I have a question for you. Why did James Cameron make this film in the first place? Was it because of such a story that he wanted to bring to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2010 at AVATAR
*points in Alex's direction* that is exactly it. That has been my subliminal message through all my "rants", so ty for someone finally noticing that.
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see...
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see the movie again to get my train of thought back. The last post I was saying how "Avatar" has a soul majorly due to its characters. Last time, I did Jake, and now, I have to focus on someone very important to the storyline, and soul of this movie. ...
Ty! That means alot, trying to get noticed, and it's hard when a totally epic movie is completely dominating over you (help me...) but on a serious note, probably the best example for the destruction of "Hometree", would be the Rwandian Genocide. What is happening to the Na'vi in that scene is almost as bad (but not quite) as what had happened over in Rwanda during the Genocides.
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see...
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see the movie again to get my train of thought back. The last post I was saying how "Avatar" has a soul majorly due to its characters. Last time, I did Jake, and now, I have to focus on someone very important to the storyline, and soul of this movie. ...
Well, I wanted to get somethig out there. I mean another good example for the destruction of the "Hometree" could be the movie "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio. That was what I was really trying to get at, point wise that is. As for Quartrich, he's a dick, flat, plain, blunt, and simple.
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see...
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see the movie again to get my train of thought back. The last post I was saying how "Avatar" has a soul majorly due to its characters. Last time, I did Jake, and now, I have to focus on someone very important to the storyline, and soul of this movie. ...
BOOM, no more Trudy. :(
No title
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see...
I'm sorry I was away for so long, I had to go see the movie again to get my train of thought back. The last post I was saying how "Avatar" has a soul majorly due to its characters. Last... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2010 at AVATAR
The "Avatar" Soul Rant. Pt. 3
So, today, in part 3 of my "Avatar" rant, I would like to talk about the most important piece of "Avatar"s soul is it's Characters. I'm going to have to do different posts each day to fit in all I want to say about each individual character that is significant in this movie. The easiest character to start with is one everyone found aweing and inspiring. Jake Sully. A man who was a marine (right there we know he's going to be badass) and is also a parapelegic, (in a wheelchair for those who don't understand big words, lol) and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Zack Torsin's blog
The "Avatar" Soul Rant. Pt. 3
As I said in my last 2 posts, "Avatar" has a soul. James Cameron's tale of Pandora is equivalent to Shakespeare during the 15th or 16th century. Just like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" gets it's soul from it characters, it's story and it's settings (Pandora). I think one of the most important parts of "Avatar"'s soul is the Setting, a.k.a. Pandora. It is such a beautiful planet, yet, once again, Humans are screwing it up. They are only there to mine, and so are destroying the planet, while the natives, the Na'vi, are not defacing the planet... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Zack Torsin's blog
The "Avatar" Soul Rant. Pt. 2
As I said in my last post, "Avatar" has a soul. James Cameron's tale of Pandora is equivalent to Shakespeare during the 15th or 16th century. Just like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" gets it's soul from it characters, it's story and it's settings (Pandora). I think one of the most important parts of "Avatar"'s soul is the story. Oh sure, it isn't that original, but anything nowadays, in cinema, theatre, television, and books, is never original. That's because every possible angle has been used in all these things, with the exception of the protagonist winning, (no one... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Zack Torsin's blog
The "Avatar" Soul Rant. Pt. 1
I have just seen this movie for the second time ( :( only second time) and as a result of already having seen the movie already, I was able to concentrate more on the other things that were going on in the movie besides the mind-blowing graphics, storyline and characters. I have so much to say about this movie, I just can't fit it all in one post no matter what. (I think the best way is for me to go through one thing at a time). The best place to start I think is the movie itself and how... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Zack Torsin's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Zack Torsin's blog
Nah, I'm thinking more Canda's Wonderland. :)
DUDE I JUST HAD A THOUGHT... THEY NEED TO MAKE A AVATAR RIDE!!!! FOR KINGS ISLAND LIKE A 3D RIDE IT WOULD BE SUPER EPIC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Dude, you just said everything, there is nothing else to say. :)
Neytiri is clearly one of the most popular...
Neytiri is clearly one of the most popular characters in the Avatar movie. Not only this she is both very beautiful and has an unmatchable personality. While watching Avatar anyways, I put myself in Jake's position. Having a strong yet sensitive and pure woman like Neytiri would be a dream come t...
So, today, in part 3 of my "Avatar" rant, I would...
So, today, in part 3 of my "Avatar" rant, I would like to talk about the most important piece of "Avatar"s soul is it's Characters. I'm going to have to do different posts each day to fit in all I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at AVATAR
WOW guys, Thanks for the excellent feedback. (DAMN...!!!!) You have all given me alot to think about, both spiritually, reality, and general life. Please check my other posts if you havn't seen them yet to get a whole picture of "Avatar" through my eyes. I'll also be posting again laster on tonight, so keep and eye out, and once again, thanks for the AMAZING feedback. :)
As I said in my last 2 posts, "Avatar" has a soul....
As I said in my last 2 posts, "Avatar" has a soul. James Cameron's tale of Pandora is equivalent to Shakespeare during the 15th or 16th century. Just like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" gets it's soul from it characters, it's story and it's settings (Pandora). I think one ...
Zack Torsin is now following Jake
Jan 1, 2010
As I said in my last 2 posts, "Avatar" has a soul....
As I said in my last 2 posts, "Avatar" has a soul. James Cameron's tale of Pandora is equivalent to Shakespeare during the 15th or 16th century. Just like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" gets it's soul from... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2010 at AVATAR
I thought it was pretty good, havn't finished playing it though, but if you go see "Avatar" in 3-d, keep the glasses, cause the game is in 3-d as well, you just gotta change it to that in the settings for the game.
Has anyone played the Avatar game? and is it any...
Has anyone played the Avatar game? and is it any good?
As I said in my last post, "Avatar" has a soul....
As I said in my last post, "Avatar" has a soul. James Cameron's tale of Pandora is equivalent to Shakespeare during the 15th or 16th century. Just like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" gets it's soul from it... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at AVATAR
I have just seen this movie for the second time (...
I have just seen this movie for the second time ( :( only second time) and as a result of already having seen the movie already, I was able to concentrate more on the other things that were going on... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at AVATAR
Jake man, you just completely said everything I wanted to say. What you just put in your blog is absolutely true. Everything. When James Cameron made this movie, sure he wanted a good storyline and world changing cinematic graphics, but I think he was mostly aiming for was the in-depth part. Just like you, the "I see you" quote they kept saying in film is something I will use in real life, it's just perfect for your loved ones. The human world in Avatar may be dead, but our world isn't, we still have time for change. (Not trying to sound like greenpeace here...) This movie is all about the in-depth story BEHIND the story, and that is why I say this movie is the PERFECT movie.
Hello again, back to another in depth blog on the...
Hello again, back to another in depth blog on the movie Avatar, as I have just gotten back from seeing it a second time. Watching it again, as I already knew most of the story, I could think more deeply about every little detail that was going on and what they all meant. Yet again, the feeling th...
Zack Torsin is now following AVATAR
Dec 24, 2009
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