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Laura Schneider
San Francisco, CA
Recent Activity
Concerts From The Closet: Amy Speace’s “Yes” to Motherhood + Music Making
When critically acclaimed singer/songwriter, Amy Speace, live streamed a Concert Window album preview from her walk-in closet to the fans who had just helped fund its release, it wasn’t because she couldn’t book another venue. It was because she is both a new mom, and a musician, and with a one year old asleep down the hallway, it was a way to say yes to both. Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2019 at hypebot
Slacker Radio Declares Rock NOT Dead
Slacker Radio went on a mission to prove that rock music isn't dead, exposing the eleven states that "rock the hardest". North Dakota led the rocking-out charge followed by Maine, Iowa, West Virginia and Nebraska all of whom favored Five Finger Death Punch as their top trending artist. Slacker is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2015 at hypebot
The Sync Project and Berklee College Of Music Partner To Explore The Science Behind "Music As Medicine"
The Sync Project, a PureTech startup working towards scientifically measuring and harnessing music to improve health, has announced a collaborative partnership with Berklee’s Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship (BerkleeICE). The partnership involves joint original research, course development and an internship program. BerkleeICE and The Sync Project are preparing to launch a... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2015 at hypebot
For Snapchat's Next Trick, Music Videos
Breaking new ground for Snapchat, popular electronic dance musician, Goldroom, will be debuting their new EP as well as four videos exclusively on Snapchat Discover. Snapchat worked directly with Goldroom to produce top quality vertical videos optimized for their massive mobile audience. A new video will be released daily beginning... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2015 at hypebot
How Mobile Devices Are Changing The Face Of "Live" Events [Ticketfly/Harris Survey]
Whether we like it or not, smartphones, iPads, and tablets have taken up permanent residence in our day to day existence. Fans are on their mobile devices more and more during events - which begs the question, is live tweeting is killing live shows or are smartphones are simply paving... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2015 at hypebot
REWIND: The New Music Industry’s Week In Review
In yet another eventful week in the new music industry, Pandora Defeats ASCAP, Music Publishers in royalty rate appeal, Prince announced the impending release of "Baltimore", teaming with Live Nation for Rally for Peace concert, Simfy shuts down, and TIDAL continues to rock the boat. All this and more on... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2015 at hypebot
De La Soul Turns To Kickstarter To Fund New Album, Raises Over $600,000
De La Soul secured second place in the most-funded Kickstarter music projects of all time category when they raised $600,874 for their first album in over a decade, a staggering $490,847 over their goal. The hip-hop masterminds are sitting in second place to none other than Amanda Palmer, who's truly... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2015 at hypebot
Recording Academy Reorganizes To Offer Stronger Grassroots Activism For Music Creators
Yesterday morning, The Recording Academy announced it will merge it's Advocacy and Membership divisions in an effort to enhance the grassroots advocacy happening on behalf of music creators at a local level. The merge will allow the music community a direct line to approach Congress with an informed & unified... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2015 at hypebot
PledgeMusic Partners With Swatch To Present Emerging Artists Series
In their first high dive into the US Music Industry, Swatch is partnering with PledgeMusic to present the Emerging Artist Series. Launching with hit Danish artist Oh Land, fans will follow the artist's social media campaign to unlock exclusive content as an alternative to pledging money. “In sync with our... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2015 at hypebot
Hypebot To Host Next LA Music Tech Meetup April 29
Hypebot presents our fourth Los Angeles meetup for readers to have a conversation with like-minded peers. You are invited to gather for drinks next Wednesday, April 29th from 7:00 to 10:00pm at Rosewood Tavern. Space is limited - RSVP below! Spend an evening with the bright minds and brilliant talents... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2015 at hypebot
Music In Ads Now A Two Way Street: Jeep Spotlights Indie Rockers X Ambassadors In Collaborative Campaign
Using music in a marketing campaign is nothing new. But increasingly, new music and advertising are on a two way street. Brands are using music to connect with a specific audience; while at the same time the artist is using the brand's broad reach to launch new music. In partnership... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2015 at hypebot
Google 360 Welcomes Anyone, Anywhere Inside The World-Famous Abbey Road Studios
If you've had a lifelong dream of seeing where the magic happens within Abbey Road Studios, Google just made it come true. Partnering with Abbey Road Studios to create and compile more than 150 different 360-degree panoramic images, Inside Abbey Road was born. Google introduced Inside Abbey Road to fans... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2015 at hypebot
Spotify Introduces Ad Targeting To Allow Brands To Tap Into Your Playlist And Audience
Spotify has announced the launch of Playlist Targeting, the newest feature in it's Spotify For Brands platform. Playlist Targeting will allow brands to reach specific artists by targeting unique audience segments based on streams from Spotify’s 1.5 billion-plus playlists. “Music is an integral part of life, day in and day... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2015 at hypebot
Hypebot Hosts Fourth LA Music Tech Meetup
Hypebot presents our fourth Los Angeles meetup for readers to have a conversation with like-minded peers. You are invited to gather for drinks on Wednesday, April 29th from 7:00 to 10:00pm at Rosewood Tavern. Space is limited - RSVP below! Spend an evening with the bright minds and brilliant talents... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2015 at hypebot
Hypebot Readers: Find What Matters Most To You
We know scrolling down an endless stream of posts is not always the best way to consume content, so we've updated our design and added tabs to help quickly find what matters most to you. Are you a D.I.Y artist not interested in the latest Music Tech news? Are you... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2015 at hypebot
CD Baby To Begin Using HFA's Slingshot For Royalty Distribution
HFA, the national leader in providing rights management services for the music industry, will begin assisting CD Baby with data management and royalty administration services. CD Baby is employing the use of the HFA's rights management service, Slingshot™ to assist in the distribution of publishing royalties generated with any CD... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2015 at hypebot
Join Us Next Week At The Second Hypebot San Francisco Music & Technology Meetup
After a hugely successful meeting of the music tech minds earlier this year, Hypebot will host its second San Francisco Music Tech Meetup on Tuesday April 21, 2015 from 7:00-10:00pm at Upcider in San Francisco - and you're invited. Come out and spend an evening with the bright minds and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2015 at hypebot
Fair Play, Fair Pay Act Of 2015 Introduced To Congress
Yesterday, House Democrats Jerrold Nadler, John Conyers Jr. and Ted Deutch and Republican House member Marsha Blackburn introduced the "Fair Play, Fair Pay Act of 2015" to members of Congress seeking to make sure music creators receive fair pay for their work. During a press conference in New York on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2015 at hypebot
Thanks To You, Hypebot Sponsors!
As much as this is a labor of love, producing Hypebot daily comes at a cost; so we thank these great companies who support our efforts. ASCAP | The American Society Of Composers, Authors, And Publishers Reverbnation | Helping Artists Grow Lasting Careers Bandzoogle | Build A Stunning Website And... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2015 at hypebot
TuneGO Breaks Out Of Beta With Premium Services For Artists
Previously only available in beta, TuneGo has announced the official nationwide launch of the artist discovery platform complete with a new tier, TuneGO Premium, enabling artists to access the tools, personal guidance, and connections necessary to truly advance their music careers. TuneGo sets an unconventional stage for artists to find... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2015 at hypebot
Bandsintown Connects Fans With Their Favorite Artists Through New RSViP Program
Bandsintown recently launched a new artist-to-fan connectivity initiative that selects 10 lucky fans at random who RSVP to upcoming shows, giving them and their friends free access to an ultimate VIP experience. Complete with a fast pass to cut through lines, an RSViP t-shirt, a concert poster, and a meet... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2015 at hypebot
Turntable Kitchen DJs Dinner With Recipe, Ingredients and Limited Edition Vinyl
Do you like cooking? Music? Listening to vinyls? If you said yes to one or more of those questions, letting Turntable Kitchen DJ your next dinner might be right up your alley. The brainchild of a couple in San Francisco hoping to “introduce food lovers to music and vice versa"... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2015 at hypebot
Citymaps Partners With Songkick Connecting Music Fans To Events Happening Near Them
One month after raising the $6 million needed to complete a full re-design, Citymaps has unveiled a partnership with Songkick that puts the ability to discover, purchase tickets for, and attend live music events happening around them in the hands of every user. Citymaps Helps Connect Fans To Local Live... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2015 at hypebot
Muzicol Launches Indie Artist Promotion Platform, Professional Network
Muzicol International has launched, an online global music community network built to provide independent artists with a virtual stage to showcase their talents, promote their music, and network with other industry professionals. Muzicol's crowdfunding service encourages fan and artist collaboration offering fans a percentage of future sales for their... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at hypebot
MusicThinkTank: A Call For Submissions
Our sister site, was created to share opinions, ideas and best practices in the current and future music industry. To provide our community with the with the best possible content, we are asking for your submissions. Dear Hypebot & MusicThinkTank community, Thank you for your loyal readership and the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at hypebot
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