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Flukey Luc
Recent Activity
Ever since i first watched the movie Christmas Day 2010, I noticed a feeling that i had never really felt that strongly before, and no matter how strange it may seem i had fallen deeply in love with Neytiri. Ever sonce that day i have wished every single night that i could be with her (now i am not a religous or supersticious kind of person but i am actually starting to pray hoping it could allow my one and only wish to come true[still no luck though]. So now every time i watch Avatar not only does it make me feel absoloutely crazy with jealousy but it also makes me feel heartbroken and sometimes even brings a tear to my eye nowing i will never be with her. I just wish to be with the one that i love no matter how stange or sad it may sound i just can't help myself. It is just simply not fair!!! :{
I'm in love with the Neytiri character...She's...
I'm in love with the Neytiri character...She's very strong and pure also has that sensitive side to her...Her personality is exactly what I want...I've been looking for someone like her my whole life...It saddens me that someone like her doesn't exist...Just longing for someone like her has broug...
Flukey Luc is now following AVATAR
Jan 31, 2011
Flukey Luc is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2011
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