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Oh I would love to see again Virginia, I do adore her work. And I’m Lucky to be part of her ARC team. It is just sad she is not yet translated in French. A UK event would be great too if not to difficult to reach when we are not from Paris. My last visit was some 25 years ago....
Toggle Commented May 28, 2019 on From Paris with Love! at Word Wenches
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Hi Nicola, I ‘m Élodie from the picture above. I’m so glad you enjoyed your attending the festival. I discovered it last year thanks to an author I read and who announced she will present so I decided to give it a go while I am not a big fan of big events but it was the right size with so many authors to discover, to meet and discus with plus the wide range of discussions. The cozy atmosphere, the welcoming from the other readers always helpful and the kindness of the organizers put this event to a top rate for me. So I hoped I would be able to come again. I learned about the Rare in Paris this very April but it is not the kind of event that attract me, too crowded and not very much time to enjoy meeting the authors, and the signing is less important to me than the meeting. At first I worried I would not be able to attend this year’s festival but I switched working days with my colleague and here I went. Thanks to the list of authors, I read all the foreign authors who came, so it was a great opportunity to discover great writers. And it was because of Virginia Heath who attended last year, that my love for historical romance was reawakened. And the funny things is I meet and learned about French authors writing historical romances there, so more books to read. So it is certain I will be back next year. About an event in English, if it is in the same spirit, I would be happy to attend to.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2019 on From Paris with Love! at Word Wenches
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May 28, 2019