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Lucy Del Campo
Recent Activity
I pinned it on my giveaways post at:
Stephanie Introduces All American + A Giveaway
What a happy Friday it’s going to be … because I have something brand new and beautiful for you today! I’ve always wanted to design a patriotic collection. For years my family has celebrated in tradition: First, the fourth of July parade, then a corn roast and a day on the lake capped off ...
Nichol you are so good at papercrating! I love this project, it is lovely!!!
Simon Says Stamp March 2013 Card Kit | Hello Spring Vase w/ Flowers (VIDEO) + GIVEAWAY
Springtime holiday decorating....ah I've missed you! I have had this vase die forever. I've had all these plans and I've just put it off and put it off and never got around to using it! Well, the March 2013 Card Kit was screaming for me to showcase the colorful spring-like Lawn...
Lucy Del Campo is now following Christine Ousley
Apr 12, 2012
Thanks for the opportunity Nichol! My first question is for you, do you need to buy an extra program for the silhouette sd so it can work with others files, or you just import and use them, I have been wanting to buy Kerri's files but I always wander if they would work in my machine? The second question is for Becky Does doing your Project Life has given you more enjoyment of every little thing you do ?
True Scrap 3 | GIVEAWAY Time!!!!
Have you heard about a little online scrapy event called... It's a fabulous 2 day event in April that showcases the following: 15 instructors teaching on a variety of paper crafting topics FIVE make and takes (my favorite die cutting gal, Kerri Bradford has a FABULOUS make 'n take that I abso...
Oh I am really excited abou Nichol, Shimelle and Nick's classes!!!
Win Your Spot at True Scrap 3!
I know you all have been really excited about True Scrap 3, and I'm really happy that I get to have of my blog readers come along for free! The True Scrap experience has been so memorable to really is one of the funnest artsy craftsy thing I've done. Not only have I learned a lot thro...
I would love to win a spot on your class, love to make items to decorate my home!
True Scrap 3 - A Sneak Peek At My Mixed Media Home Decor Class!
Yay, True Scrap 3 is coming up!! If you've never joined us for a True Scrap online event you have been missing out! It's 15 classes + a keynote speaker (the fabulous Becky Higgins) + 5 virtual make and takes + goodies + a ton of fun!! For more info or to register click HERE. (Newbies: r...
I think Adorableness is very cute!!! featuring TRACI REED
Another digital treat for you today! If you love themed kits, with loads of fun elements and fabulous journal prompts, look no further than Traci Reed Designs! Traci's favorite kit is Pieces of Me which released in early 2010. She sees this kit as a reflection of everything that she loves ab...
Hi! Why did you name your company jillibean soup? And which is your favourite soup?
Extra, about some "extra" goodies to go along with the new collections?
Check these out... I think the buttons are my favs. Did you see the new corrugated alpha font? How about the corrugated sheets? You asked and we listened! Ok, one lucky winner can win all these fabulous "extras" by leaving a comment below. If you had one question for me (Jill) - what wou...
Lucy Del Campo is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 20, 2011
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