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Lucy Patrick
Recent Activity
Wow, what beautiful creations from your DT and I love those new images, they are all super sweet! I'm wondering if this is where the monthly winner is announced as it says you'll announce it on 20th March, I don't want to miss it in case I win. XOX Lucy
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2014 on March 2014 Review at C.C. Designs
Thank you so much for choosing my card in your Top 3, congratulations to the other winners they are beautiful cards. XOX Lucy
That's sad news but great that you will be having a monthly challenge on your regular blog. Will you be announcing the winner of the Glitter challenge on this one or the regular blog? XOX Lucy
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2013 on Thank you and Goodbye at WednesdaysChallenge
What a stunning card, Linda, I love the papers and all the dies you've used, it's beautiful!! XOX Lucy
Lucy Patrick is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 16, 2013