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Writer, Daydreamer, Engineering Student, Actor
Interests: music, comedies, writing, acting, dramas, umineko no naku koro ni, higurashi no naku koro ni, the vision of escaflowne, .hack//SIGN, james cameron's avatar
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Lew added a favorite at AVATAR
Feb 6, 2010
Send the letter as it is, Steve. Don't change a thing :)! It really captures the feelings of the community in it.
Avatar didn't change my outlook in life that much as I was already very enviroment-concious person before, but it did give me a chance to take my dad to watch a movie with me (something that we haven't had the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at AVATAR
Lew added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 27, 2010
Lew added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 26, 2010
Maybe its a present for both of you since you will spend a good part of that day together, watching a great movie in a special day!
To answer today's question: I love the theme song! It fits well with the overall message of the movie and is deeply moving. I liked the way Leona Lewis sang it, it was totally spot on. Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2010 at AVATAR
Hmm, maybe Joanne Hogg. Her voice is amazing.
@AVATAR That article was amazing! However, when the author talked about genetic modification, I couldn't help but to think about the ethical repercussions related to what was being discussed in the article. I mean, with the advent of that kind of technology, what's next in store for us? A giant tweety bird/ikran hybrid? =P
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
"Taking chances" - Celine Dion
That was a very interesting essay, Steve. Also, congratulations on your blog's design! It is quite eye-catching.
Grace's death at the Tree of Souls. That scene made me feel very sad one I realized that she wasn't going to be saved :(
@In Their argument is a victim to an oversimplification and it boils down to a pointless drama-attention argument, if you ask me. Their "argument" follows this line of logic: "Jake (a white guy) joins the Na'vi and quickly becomes one (if not the) coolest guy in the tribe and that is racist" Talk about not being able to see beyond a person's skin color. @Steve Your response to In is totally correct.
@Steve I am willing to bet that either you upgraded to Windows 7 or you got a Mac XD I upgraded to Windows 7 last month and I am loving it. It is way more stable than Vista (and faster)!
Aww.. did your Acrobat installation got corrupted? :S
As a writer, nothing overjoys me more than sharing my stories with others. Therefore, I hope you enjoy reading them while I occasionally ramble about technology or videogames, anime, good books I have read or my desire to be discovered as an actor! The following is a short story that was made and published by me in the AVATAR Typepad group a few days ago. I hope you enjoy it, my dear reader. (You guessed it, this short story is a fan story based on James Cameron's AVATAR. I ocassionally write some of those if the author is really good.)... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Talking with Lew
Wow, I am envious that they got to meet JC! Their faces are really overjoyed! Go Avatar fans! :D
Toggle Commented Jan 11, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Awesome! I'll eagerly wait to read it. =D
Congratulations Steve! That sounds amazing! Please do post the first chapter of your book, I am sure that it would be a very interesting read!
Thanks Steve! This picture belongs to one of my favorite moments in the whole movie!
Toggle Commented Jan 11, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Of course we are going to cross that mark! If I remember correctly, some theaters kept showing Titanic for 15+ weeks after it was released because people kept going to watch it so there's certainly a big chance that AVATAR will defeat Titanic's record.
The game worked fine with my PS3, although it glitched about two times at the middle of the story, and the Na'vi route... it was really fun! The Ikran missions were my favorites. However, some missions felt repetitive, like in the first Assassin's Creed. Three times I was asked to do the same set of missions, once per area/sector... As Txon Makto said, Ubisoft could have done it better. Nonetheless, it was one of the best games based on a movie I have played in a long time.
Lew is now following Nicholas Carreras
Jan 10, 2010
Lew added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 10, 2010
Lew added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 10, 2010