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Mexico City
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I downloaded the TypePad Aplication for my iPhone and I have a lot of problems with it.
By example, when I try to create a new post when I select the blog a press Publis, after appear a message that says: Error Publishing, Unexpected response while publishing an item. I check the Settings, Refresh Accout Settings and back to my pending post. If I try to press Resume then the application freeze and lost all my text; furthermore I don't find a way to save drafts.
I tried to write three or four post and I lost all my text 'cause these bad application.
Download the Free TypePad App for the iPhone
Did you hear that the iTunes App Store opened today? Even better news for TypePad bloggers is that the free TypePad download for the iPhone is now available! TypePad bloggers who own an iPhone have been able to use the solution for months now, creating and editing posts, checking ...
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