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Sandra Carrington-Smith
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I left a long comment and didn't realize I was supposed to register first. Yikes! I agree with you completely. If I think about my own life, I realize that it could have taken a completely different path if I just merely altered one decision along the way. Twenty five years ago I thought I was going to live in Italy the rest of my life, and that my future was in medical school. As it turned out, I moved to a foreign country, learned how to write in a different language, and have now crowned the dream of writing professionally. The whole pathway started with a teenage dream of meeting my favorite band; since I was determined to say something to those guys, I bought a tape course in English and learned the basics. I never met the band members, but I did meet my husband John, an American soldier who worked as a lifeguard at the beach near the establishment my family always went to. We dated for a year and then got married. I moved to the States and polished my language skills. Twenty-two years later, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of my first two books. :-) Just one step in a different direction could have changed the whole route.
Toggle Commented Feb 5, 2010 on The Path Not Taken at Sunnyside Communications
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Sandra Carrington-Smith is now following Shana McLean Moore
Feb 4, 2010
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Feb 4, 2010