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Lana Lepinski
Recent Activity
Accckk! You are incredible in everything you do!
Oh this sounds like a must have book! I am so glad your coloring will be showcased in it Debbie. You are a pro! I like to color cute little critters the best with my copics. Oh heck, I just love to color anything!
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Message Hi Angie. No I dont have a pattern. My friend taught me how. Here are my notes: Chain 6 Do a slip stitch single crochet double crochet 3 triple crochet double crochet single crochet Repeat the above 5 times for 5 petals. I hope that helps! Lana
Love your cards Debbie! I don't organize my paper scraps too well. I have learned that it is best to use as much of the paper as I can when I cut into it. The scraps lay by my cutter until it gets too high. Then it goes into my scrap box which I rarely use! Once in awhile I will dig through it, but it's rare! LOL!
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2010 on Guest Post and Giveaway at Thinking Inking
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Mar 15, 2010