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Hill End NSW
Life is an adventure to discover love & happiness.
Interests: Sun, surf & sand, cycling, collecting, treasure hunting & helping others.
Using supernatural foods to create love & happiness.
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Why can't I connect with facebook?
Why can't I connect with facebook? Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
Q. So how do I get rid of these negative moods & feel better?
A. Absolutely NO YEAST products like bread / beer / wine etc.
Q. But isn't yeast a fungus?
A. Yes, a horrible fungus that can grow roots & invade the every organ in the body. It also produces an awful variety of multiple symptoms from confusion to acromegaly to loss of masculinity / femininity.
Q. How can I kill the fungus?
A. Black / Muscatel grapes are the best for eliminating this life destroying fungus.
Q. Is there anything else that will help?
A. There is Golden Seal & Pau d Arco from the Health Store or the Herbalist.
Colloidal Silver, Neem capsules & Olive leaf tea, blackberries & cabbage (at separate meals) will all help.
* Google the Candida Diet or Yeast Infection for more Information.
* See a Professional Indian or Chinese Herbalist or a Homoeopath for a Personalised Yeast Detox.
Q. So I have done a 6 week Yeast Fungus Detox & still feel sad / depressed / sucidal / transgender confusion / gay, what am I going to do?
A. Take GLA - Evening Primrose Oil / Seeds or Starflower Oil / flowers & leaves 2-3 times daily for 6 weeks WITH
Omegas - black & white Chia seeds in Barley Grass powder with the purest Blackcurrant juice you can find.
Q. My trauma is deep & life - long, how can I deal with this?
A. Take 1-2000mg of St Johns Wort 3 times a day for 6 weeks.
Q. What do I do after 6 weeks?
A. Well you may feel so free & happy you may of forget the emotional pain & want to pursue your dreams!
*This is the time for a 1-3 week break from the herbal supplements, resume taking the feel good supernatural supplements as you feel the need.
Thank You for Visiting, I Wish You All the Best on Your Adventure to Health & Happiness. Peace & Luv from Josie xoxo
Do you buy organic food and produce? Why or why not?
Of course, it is natural & more safe than chemical, pesticide produce. Genetically modified food is a health & well-being nightmare. Since just about everything is tainted & polluted with some type of chemical, we can only do our best to keep our families safe & healthy. TypePad Conversation...
Far out, i won't munch while watching 2 & 1/2 men anymore, i just nearly choked on a crumb while Charlie was being funny & spent 15 min trying to clear my throat.
Do you buy organic food and produce? Why or why not?
Of course, it is natural & more safe than chemical, pesticide produce. Genetically modified food is a health & well-being nightmare. Since just about everything is tainted & polluted with some type of chemical, we can only do our best to keep our families safe & healthy. TypePad Conversation...
luvblis is now following MovingCost
Jun 3, 2010
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Jun 3, 2010
luvblis is now following Account Deleted
Jun 3, 2010
Do you buy organic food and produce? Why or why not?
Of course, it is natural & more safe than chemical, pesticide produce. Genetically modified food is a health & well-being nightmare.
Since just about everything is tainted & polluted with some type of chemical, we can only do our best to keep our families safe & healthy. Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
Secrets of Depression & Suicide - Yeast breads & beer makes me so mad - Yeast is my biggest enemy, it made me feel sad, depressed, confused, lesbian & suicidal. Yeast made my nose, feet, jaw & hands big. It made my voice deep & stole my femininity, it made... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 1, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
0 just in Victoria! buy a flavored milk & vote for your chance to win a thousand bucks! Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
Cell phones these days can do everything from turning off the lights in your house to streaming your favorite movies. If you could add any “magical” feature to your phone, what would it be?
It would be nice to banish sadness, child slavery, poverty & homelessness with a flick of the cell phone. Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
What makes a great computer desk chair? Describe yours.
Secrets of Depression & Suicide - Yeast breads & beer makes me so mad - Yeast is my biggest enemy, it made me feel sad, depressed, confused, lesbian & suicidal. Yeast made my nose, feet, jaw & hands big. It made my voice deep & stole my femininity, it made me think like a boy, like I had a boys brain in a girls body. My male friends said yeast beer & bread can make them feel & act crazy, get depressed or angry & violent. Some say their private bits shrink, they can get a high voice & lose their rugged masculinity & even feel gay.
Posted May 24, 2010 at Josies Love Planet Blog
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
luvblis is now following Christopher Sleight
May 24, 2010
luvblis is now following Patrick Ng
May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
luvblis is now following Michael Booth
May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
luvblis is now following Ali Edwards
May 24, 2010
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May 24, 2010
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