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Lynne d Johnson
Recent Activity
That's pretty freaking awesome.
Job Requirements
From the list of "things I thought I'd never see", Karl Pearson-Cater (he and I were colleagues about a decade ago) posted a great job listing at MinnPost, which lists the following requirement: You know the difference between
I love this post, not only bc I loved this album, but I love the way you told this story. Reminded me of the old blogging days.
The Two Zeros: The Best Album of 2000 - Mama's Gun
"Cuz one day I know I'll be flying high." - Erykah Badu, My Life It had been such a long time, I had forgotten that I was fly. Six years in a relationship that began in my formative years as a college student can find you lost in the woods. I had followed her lead the whole way, disconnecting...
Lynne d Johnson added a favorite at Jason Toney
Dec 16, 2009
Lynne d Johnson is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 16, 2009
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