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Lynn Provencher
Recent Activity
I live in NorthEast Florida because I love the SUNSHINE!
Moda Blog Hop: Greetings from Austin, Tx
Welcome to our blog hop day everyone! I'm Julie Comstock and that is my hubby Eric. We are the designers for the Cosmo Cricket line of products and lots of other fun stuff including our Moda fabric line. Our current collection is called Odds and Ends. You could win some today along with a past...
When you come to Florida...we'll take you to "Creekside" for the BEST Plank Fish cooking around!
Pat Sloan Just a Little Candy.. Moda Candy!
Welcome to my stop on the "Oh so Sweet" Moda Blog Hop! Join the moda designs for an adventure as we celebrate National Sewing Month. For 10 days, there will be 1 post from 3 different designers showcasing different styles, projects and what is going on in their life- hopping all over the glob...
Love it all - so hard to choose, but I'd really like to make "My Paris Traveler's Bag"
WELCOME ... just a little decoration on my table right now. Hello Everybody and Welcome to Fig Treeland! I hope you have been enjoying the roadtrip so far. Here is the info to everyone who has come before and all those who will come after! There have been some fabulous stops on the blog...
Lynn Provencher is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 29, 2012
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