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Lyn Robison
Recent Activity
A canonical data model is certainly important for understanding the big-picture realities. I think the trick is to figure out how to build a CDM without boiling the ocean. A good approach is to start with one important business topic for which there is clear business justification, model it, and then expand from there.
Can old-school BI deliver?
Blogger: Lyn Robison I gotta wonder whether old-school BI -- the way we have been doing BI -- can actually deliver the information that businesspeople need to make effective decisions. Here's why: Humpty Dumpty’s data is in pieces, and all the data warehouses and business intelligence applica...
Hello Prof. Matthes. Your software cartography research looks fascinating. The report I am working on currently does not deal directly with diagrams. Rather, my report will attempt to set the context for data integration in SOA. Stay tuned...
Spaghetti Data and a Whine List
blogger: Lyn Robison I am working on the outline for my upcoming overview on data services, data integration, and the renaissance of data management. Working on the topic of data integration reminded me of an old diagram I saw once that showed the data flows between various enterprise IT syst...
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