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Tania Erminson
Recent Activity
Sweet! I'm happy to hear that the rub worked. Could you please share NC BBQ sauce recipe? I love 5 spice. Gives a nice touch to the cocktail sauce too.
Green Egg Smoked Pork Baby Back Ribs
Have you watched So I Married an Axe Murderer? If you have, you should remember how Charlie’s mom got herself a Juice Tiger and announced that she juices everything now. Well, the same happened to us after we'd bought a Green Egg grill. We grill and smoke everything we can put our hands on. Fo...
Cool! Hope the ribs turned out delish, Joe!
Green Egg Smoked Pork Baby Back Ribs
Have you watched So I Married an Axe Murderer? If you have, you should remember how Charlie’s mom got herself a Juice Tiger and announced that she juices everything now. Well, the same happened to us after we'd bought a Green Egg grill. We grill and smoke everything we can put our hands on. Fo...
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