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Brett Macfarlane
Digital scrapbook of an adman in a distant corner of the ad
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In recent times travel has become a mainstream pursuit, and in response tourism has robustly industrialized, sterilizing the travel experience. Consequently, beyond seeing the important but obvious sights, already familiar thanks to a lifetime of popular culture, there is a deep desire to break through the bubble of passive spectator... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2013 at Everyday Paris
Now that's proper blogging. Well done.
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2011 on No one is reading anymore at Noisy Decent Graphics
Brett Macfarlane is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Bravo, good article. The notion of latency is good and related to something I've been think a lot about lately - media velocity. Some mediums are fast and nimble (generally more personal and individualized,) others are less nimble but more broader in reach or impact (assuming they are used well.) Differing business objectives are better suited for certain velocities. As are different products or brands. A summer long $49 brake job promotion probably does best on TV. A one day end of quarter sales promo at the Gap better lives in Twitter and email. For one hyper specific tactical example, which yes isn't perfect. On another note, what is the exact date media was traditional? I can't find it. Was it April 14, 1983? Or July 2, 1999 seems like a good bet. Though didn't digital things exist then. In fact isn't a lot of digital work now pretty traditional unto itself? Conventional vs. unconventional seems to work better.
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Even those who make it, and deserve, have days they wish to quit. Nice post.
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How about Hashim Bajwa, digital director at Goodby until recently, just recently moved to the new TBWA group that does even more awesome stuff than the media arts lab (at least that's the promise.)
Toggle Commented May 20, 2009 on Judge the Jury at Talent imitates, genius steals
1 reply
I believe it is a mutual problem. The main "agency" divisions naturally lean towards what they know which is mass media, but they are also too aware of stepping on the toes of the digital folks who are all too quick to yell out that nobody else understands digital. On the other side the digital folks silo themselves into a world of "digital strategy" and execution. They have yet to prove themselves at the high level of brand strategy and thinking, of which digital channels are one part of the overall brand communications mix. It would be like having a radio strategist. Or a print strategist and creative specialist teams. Sue some are better at it that others, but truly great and big ideas can transcend mediums. Basically most people stick in their own sand box regardless of traditional or digital. Another challenge is the Canadian client landscape. While there are some very intelligent folks, the reality is few companies are willing to lead and innovate in Canada. Digital to them is still new and unproven, no matter how many times the agency presents ideas that integrate digital beyond banner ads and microsites. Dove only has a Lion winning viral because the agency insisted on making it, after they made the 20 other forgettable vignettes Dove mandated. And that is a "leadership" brand in Canada. Rather concerning.
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I find you point number four interesting. Despite the fact that social networking is no longer niche there is an agency mentality that we're too cool to try it out. Probably the same types that back in 1960 thought those VW ads with amusing headlines were just a silly aberration from some nutjob named Bill. That said, just because it's popular doesn't mean companies should just start slapping their logo up there and running "promotions" and contests. Molson is brutal at this right now. Create content and something that is actually interesting. Red Bull Roshambull is a great example of this.
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