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Maddest Hatters
Life is not so sweet but much to learn
Interests: The injustice of our so called judicial systems, the world's lack of true concern how can you ever save an animal knowing a child is starving or talking about going green when our ocean is at this point probably a nice oil base. I guess what interests me is the inhumane way human beings treat life on a daily basis, as I grow older and not even older I have become disheartned by not only the shallowness of my peers but as an American the shallowness of myself; damm the iPad damn the highlights those are my concerns right there I have as many problems as anyone else because this world is me based. Why do people want to save trees why are they so sure every one who needs help is a scam artist? Maybe that tree you are hugging is using you it just wont ever let on, the excuses never end and we have a President I am proud to say I would have never voted for. People think the Rebublicans did this no America you chose this foolish democracy rapidly turning communist regime. America doesn't even see what is coming the iPad or PS3 Call of duty it sure slows us down reality what? It wont be an iPad per Fema visitor as I am sure Apple is not down with giving out iPads for free we might want to rethink taxes ha a little late ask the big boss China (Scary) Glen Beck is just their messenger no lie; he might see like a babbling idiot but they want us prepapred so when chaos comes a knocking their flock won't be shocked, maybe we will be the next holocaust damn we have asked for it. I don't care if one person reads and truly understands at somepoint when you are in your tax prepared Fema Camp you will have all the time in the world to realize that maybe History class was a joke and conspiracy's don't exist sorry black and white its not that easy to I hope you have well founded beliefs or you could go with the power of self {majority) and that makes you a mortal and therefore you have excepted a poison drink it now why wait because that light at the end of the tunnel you know that was just some naive dreamer afraid of death right? Or is it you who is afraid to answer to some one other than yourself and well your government that protects you so well hmmmmmm?
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http://Who%20is%20the%20maddest%20of%20them%20all%20the%20right%20or%20the%20left;%20or%20could%20we%20beg%20the%20question%20why%20is%20there%20a%20right%20and%20left?%20And%20why%20are%20people%20dumbfounded%20whwhen Love me or hate me hahaha but seriously don't you think the right and the left are clicking their shoes together all the way to Dorothy's yellow brick road or should I say golden..... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 11, 2011 at Who's the maddest of them all?
So is it me or is it that fat.guy in his redsuit that gets all the glory; here is the problem peeps we tell our children not to lie yet we tell them the stories that now even ten yr olds believe in quit telling your child a fat partial guy can fit down a chimney. The saddest part there are children thanks to our economy or their deal parents have to believe that all these other children are special and they aren't heartbreaking. Why don't you show your children the suffering in the world.and we would have dumb ass kids driving better cars than ttheir parents; so? Does it make you feel good to lie to your children pinnochio parents and yes I do have children and I told them Santa is no one and I am sorry if they enlighten your blinded children but hey life isn't a.fairy tale and the tooth fairy is a joke too time to be honest blame it on the rebublicans if you want.
So how about I will be calvin you can be hobbes or dilbert and calvin better yet. C'mon am I truly that unentertaining some good negative feedback would make my day but you people just don't give a damn about a good debate let's do it; c'mon I will even... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Who's the maddest of them all?
If you have to monitor feedback left by users you must be scared or too intimidated to be bested. Don't have a blog on going green and be such yuppy you think that if you montitor comments people will return I will not have my words censored not only by the Government but by some silly lady who needs to face the world and answers or questions she may not like. Mam with the most sincerity please get help how can you create a green world when you think you are so very special you just ran me off:P Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Who's the maddest of them all?
Do you find it odd that denzel washington just came out with a movie that has a train derailing with the numbers 777, I really found the whole clip to be bizaree to be honest I am sure it has nothing to do with all of those great planes:)
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Alice in Wonderland – Chapter 1 …for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them. We “The Alices” believe that ALL... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Who's the maddest of them all?
Alice in Wonderland – Chapter 1 …for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them. We “The Alices” believe that ALL... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Who's the maddest of them all?
No matter what mathematical logic you apply in analyzing the number of personalities possessed by Charles Dodgson (better known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) the sum arrived at is never less than two! I think the marketing to the general public of Dodgson... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Life isn't ironic
Maddest Hatters is now following Moncler Jackets
Dec 11, 2010
The Dangers of Wonderland "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at Where Madness Reigns
Mad Hatters Among Us While this blog will be intentionally random and somewhat like a dark comedy, it is only because such is the world we live in. There are moments that expose the Mad Hatters Among Us; but the key here is common, Hatters tire our minds with their... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at Who's the maddest of them all?
Maddest Hatters is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 22, 2010