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Madison DuPree
Houston, TX
Proud to be one of the elite few to have a blog.
Interests: Music, Money, Cooking, How-To's, Concerts, Family, Coffee, Dance Parties, Russian Nesting Dolls...
Recent Activity
Paper Route - Real Emotion
Some how Paper Route is the band that always releases the album I need right when I need it. There is no denying their talent and I think that each album is a testament unto itself but I can't deny that part of my absolute adoration of their music has... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at Predictably Me
Bear's Den - Red Dirt & Pouring Rain
I first heard of Bear's Den back in early 2013 when a friend over in the UK sent me their Agape EP and it was love at first listen. I saw them later that year when they opened for Daughter (old post HERE) and they didn't disappoint. I'm a sucker... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2016 at Predictably Me
LEJ - Summer 2016
Well they're back at it again and this year's summer mash-up is just as awesome as last year's! Although last year's video was shared and viewed thousands of times for some reason there seems to be very limited information on who these ladies are. After some digging lat year I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2016 at Predictably Me
Enlight vs A Color Story
Posted Jan 28, 2016 at Predictably Me
What No One Else Is Saying About Kylo Ren
Posted Jan 7, 2016 at Predictably Me
Does anyone think I missed any great albums of 2015?
Best of 2015
I've heard it said that 2015 is "the year that pop grew up" and I couldn't agree more. Justin, Demi, Salina, Jonas, 1D, etc... I've been so into it this year that I almost feel like my depth as a consumer of music has shallowed out. But I know so many others who feel the same so maybe my faves o...
Best of 2015
I've heard it said that 2015 is "the year that pop grew up" and I couldn't agree more. Justin, Demi, Salina, Jonas, 1D, etc... I've been so into it this year that I almost feel like my depth as a consumer of music has shallowed out. But I know so... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2015 at Predictably Me
Gabrielle Aplin - Light Up The Dark
Gabrielle Aplin first caught my attention in 2011 when I stumbled across an acoustic performance video of "Home" from her debut EP when she was only 19 years old. Now at 23 she is really starting to turn heads. If you're not familiar with her previous work I would recommend... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2015 at Predictably Me
Shellee Coley Live at Vino & Vinyl
Posted Nov 12, 2015 at Predictably Me
L.E.J. - Summer 2015
Since so many people have been asking I've done some research and these ladies are Lucie, Élisa and Juliette who have formed a french group that go by L.E.J. they have this song "Summer 2015" and their song from last year "Summer 2014" available on iTunes. These Girls Are So... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2015 at Predictably Me
Celia Pavey - Bodies EP
I first heard of Celia Pavey by stubmling upon her YouTube channel when I was looking for good covers songs (her version of Feel Good, Inc. is fantastic by the way) and I was delighted to find that she has recently released her first EP of original songs. Celia's voice... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2015 at Predictably Me
Alfred Hall - Alfred Hall EP
I don't know what it has been with me and EP's lately but there are so many new artists I'm psyched about and most of them have yet to release LP's. So to add to the ever growing list of EP's I'm wild about I wanted to let you know... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2015 at Predictably Me
Albums To Watch For On The Horizon
As I was creating my suggestion list for my good friend Paul over at Vino & Vinyl's first in store vinyl order it occurred to me that some of my favorite recent finds haven't yet released full albums... so if you want to get as excited for the rest of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2015 at Predictably Me
Betty Who - Take Me When You Go
I can't stop talking about this album... seriously, ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you how I've been cramming this ablum down their eardrums for weeks and I'm showing NO. SIGNS. OF. LEAVING. OFF. Betty Who is the stage name for Jessica Anne Newham, an Australian singer-songwriter who... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2015 at Predictably Me
Ryan Tedder - Singer/Same Songwritter Extrordinaire
The other day I was on my way to work and was feeling too indecisive to pick something from my ipod/iphone/Spotify to listen to. To make matters more difficult I was already driving and didn’t want to be so dangerous as to go through my CD’s and the one already... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2015 at Predictably Me
Best of 2014
Posted Jan 2, 2015 at Predictably Me
How Is It December Already?!?!
So many wonderful musical things have happened since I last posted here. It's tempting to try and capture them all but I'll spare you that and belatedly let you know that I'm not doing Musical Advent this year... mostly because it's already the 11th and there just isn't enough new... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2014 at Predictably Me
The Fault In Our Stars - Soundtrack
Greetings from Houston on this first day of fall weather! Today is the day that all Texans will now instagram pictures of themselves sipping coffee on their back porches and saying, "It may be miserably hot 9 months of the year here but for the next few months feel free... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2014 at Predictably Me
Manchester Orchestra - HOPE
Just a few weeks ago I was telling my brother Dillon about how much I love the songs on Manchester Orchestra's latest album "COPE" but that I really just didn't enjoy listening to the album due to the poor quality of the recording. This was on purpose of course... the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2014 at Predictably Me
Ryan Adams - Self Titled
Ryan Adams is one of those artists that has gained my loyalty over the years. He's fairly well known between soundtrack features and the longevity of his career thus far, so I won't bore you with who he is and where he's from... if you want to know just take... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2014 at Predictably Me
An Introvert's Guide To The Galaxy
There are a lot of misconceptions about introverts... and there are a lot of legitimately standard things about introverts that don't apply to each one of us. For example, many people are shocked to find that I'm an introvert because I'm "not shy at all!" Well as it happens introversion... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2014 at Predictably Me
Lyric A Day 6/30/2014
Posted Jul 12, 2014 at Predictably Me
Lyric A Day 6/28/2014
Posted Jul 12, 2014 at Predictably Me
Lyric A Day 6/27/2014
Posted Jul 12, 2014 at Predictably Me
Lyric A Day 6/26/2014
Posted Jul 12, 2014 at Predictably Me
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