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South Florida
Interests: theatre, friends, cooking, movies, reading, painting, crafts, traveling, thirft stores
Recent Activity
Best of luck to you on your goals! I know where you can see some amazing plays :D
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Miss Amy! We have the same couch!! Haha :) But I also love the gallery wrap :p -Caitie
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I'm sitting here, watching The Goonies, applying for theatre internships, checking twitter..etc, and I figure why not update the blog while I'm at it. For some reason, I can never seem to sit and watch a movie or television show, online at least, without pausing it a few times to check facebook, or my email. It's sort of sad. It's like I have the attention span of a 3 year old. It's that time again kiddies. I can see it already, I'm going to be checking and multiple times daily to see what internships pop up. I'm getting... Continue reading
I absolutely ADORE this post! I think tattoos are so amazing and inspiring. If I wasn't such a chicken, I'm sure I would have quite a few :p The Snow White scene is just gorgeous, and the Kat Von D Sephora ad's are flawless. Can't wait for next Friday to see what you have in store! -Caitie
1 reply
I need to start focusing on me. The play, is finally over. I will miss the cast, but that's it. The staff there are the most mean, frustrating, and disrespectful people I have ever had to deal with. I've been with the same theatre for four years, but now that all the "people in charge" have changed, the theatre isint fun anymore. And that just sucks. I love theatre, and working on theatre, but I shouldn't end up in the bathroom crying over something that is supposed to be fun. I am obligated to stage manage "It Runs in the... Continue reading
Hi Amy!! My favorite is the butterfly quote print about going off on a limb. I think it is so inspiring! -Caitie
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2010 on update week + a giveaway! at {creating myself}
1 reply
I just became "the other woman." I never understood how a person could cheat on someone. If you are in a relationship, I feel like theres no excuse. If you aren't happy anymore, don't like the person anymore, etc, then end the relationship. Plain and simple. I also never understood people who would KNOWINGLY be with someone, who was already in a relationship. I would always think about how horrible I would be making that person feel when they finally found out. And they will always, always find out. Why help someone cheat? They aren't going to leave them for... Continue reading
hellogoodbye86 is now following Amy Lapi
Dec 15, 2009
I've never been one to say "Oh, this song changed my life, I really connect with these lyrics" etc. I've always really enjoyed music, and its been a big part of my life, but never to that extent. I still don't want to say it, but I do finally understand where people are coming from. One of my friends Jonathan, who I went to highschool with, is an amazing singer/songwriter. His third album is coming out in a few weeks. I received an advanced copy in the mail a few days ago (cause I'm special like that :P ) It... Continue reading
Wow! I love those..the Eiffel Tower picture is pretty much my favorite though :) Thanks for sharing!! -Caitie
1 reply
One of my best friends, Katie, had a baby in December of 2006. For the first 8 months of her life I was with her every day helping out, babysitting etc. Then she met her now husband. We were all cool at first but then he decided he didn't like that fact that she hung out with me so much and got jealous and told Katie she couldn't hang out with me anymore. She agreed. Great friend..I know. So after seeing Lily every day and getting very attached to her, she was just taken from me. This was the last... Continue reading
I've always told myself I'm going to start a blog and document what happens in my life so that when I'm sad or upset I can go back and look at the good times. When something bad is going on in your life I think it's hard to tell yourself "hey, this too shall pass." A reminder that fun times have been had, and will happen again could be just the thing you need to pick yourself back up and move on with your life. So, in any case. Here I go. My name is Caitie. I'm 22 years old... Continue reading
hellogoodbye86 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 10, 2009