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MAGPRO INC Firearm Safety Training
We provide the Basic Firearm Safety Training required to apply for your FID or LTC in Massachusetts.
Interests: MAGFPRO Basic Firearm Safety Course LTC016, MAGPRO Home, Personal and Business Firearm Safety Course LTC023, MAGPRO Firearm Safety Instructor Course, MAGPRO Basic Pistol Clinic, Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Course, Private Lessons
Recent Activity
Our 2014 Firearm Safety Training schedule starts Saturday, January 25th, from 3pm-7pm. We'll be teaching the MAGPRO BASIC FIREARM SAFETY COURSE LTC016 to qualify students for their Mass LTC or FID. This course includes REAL GUNS & LIVE-FIRE exercises. The next January training is scheduled for Friday evening on the 31st from 6pm-10pm. Our 2014 training curriculum includes several different types of courses in firearm safety each month. Visit for more details.
Here's what you can expect when applying for a firearm license in Massachusetts.
The first thing to know is that Massachusetts requires that ALL new applicants for firearm licenses MUST complete a Commonwealth Approved course in Basic Firearm Safety. The MAGPRO course # LTC-0116 and LTC-023 both satisfy this requirement. The firearm licensing process is very different from ci...
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Feb 15, 2010
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