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Richmond, California USA
Interests: music, knitting, gardening, food, life, dogs, chocolate, spinning, dancing, joy, texture, wool, friendship, happiness, native plants, singing (badly) to myself, dyeing, my smart husband, math, numbers, old b&w movies, homemade soap, handspun yarn, silk, amber, puzzles, smiles, hugs, lollipops, and sunshine., reading, sewing, love, books, baseball, socks, humor, science, coffee, color
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Mar 15, 2010
Fabulous! It is nice to have one's faith in humanity confirmed.
Tale of Two Wallets
Well, I am up rather late, because I don't have to work tomorrow and I can stay up as late as I like, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you a story that I've been trying to tell you for over a week. The wallet on the right? That's my old wallet. I lost it back in May. At first,...
Wonderful post! What lucky, lucky animals you have!
So, the animal situation.
To cut to the chase, for now we are six. There are twice as many quadrupeds as bipeds living here, and that doesn't count the feral family in the back yard. And as I mentioned, it's been a fairly eventful three months; here's a (not so) brief history: Go Josie, Go! Alpha dog Josie has arthri...
Really cute!
A New Hat
It's Jughead's Hat from Sandi Rosner's Not Just More Socks, knit with sock leftovers, US size 0 needles, and lots of love.
Into the Wild
...a photo essay...
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