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Richmond, California USA
Interests: music, knitting, gardening, food, life, dogs, chocolate, spinning, dancing, joy, texture, wool, friendship, happiness, native plants, singing (badly) to myself, dyeing, my smart husband, math, numbers, old b&w movies, homemade soap, handspun yarn, silk, amber, puzzles, smiles, hugs, lollipops, and sunshine., reading, sewing, love, books, baseball, socks, humor, science, coffee, color
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Mar 15, 2010
Fabulous! It is nice to have one's faith in humanity confirmed.
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2009 on Tale of Two Wallets at Unraveling
1 reply
Wonderful post! What lucky, lucky animals you have!
Toggle Commented Jun 14, 2009 on So, the animal situation. at Becca's Blog
1 reply
Really cute!
Toggle Commented May 27, 2009 on A New Hat at Unraveling
1 reply
Toggle Commented May 13, 2009 on Into the Wild at Unraveling
1 reply