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There were more murders in Chicago in the early to mid 90s than today. There are more people shot today. In the 90s victims were usually shot from close up with a revolver, were involved in criminal enterprises, and the geographic areas were small. Today issues that might have resulted in a fist fight when I was young are resulting in the use of semi-auto pistols, often with extended magazines, fired from a distance resulting in more innocent people (babies, grandmas, toddlers) dying. Often the shooters have no remorse when they shoot the wrong target because "that was an accident, I wasn't shooting at him/her). Several years ago there were three teens shooting at one another, across a busy street, in front of a hospital and high school during dismissal. Three uniformed CPD Officers were present. The officers and the shooters were all acquainted with one another. The police were not a deterrent. Additionally more shooting victims survive due to improved emergency medicine.
The blog to go to for Chicago stats is hey The blog for police reaction in
Pat Lang's Salon formerly known as Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Toggle Commented Jun 28, 2017 on Blog name at Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Jun 28, 2017