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Emotional attachment to objects and things can take on grander meaning in our cities and world, on the very streets we walk: World’s Largest “smart IoT” peace monument ever, underway! Can physical streets, places, be created which not only attract people to them, but then take on the hard task of teaching, informing in a way that goes beyond smart cities to "wise cities"? I have created a global project which does exactly that, moving the nature of IoT towards humanism's ends while offering Iot simplicity of use. 100 miles 4 peace, Peace walkway project, is "peace beyond borders" and is 100 one mile art installation monuments, each a mile long "Hollywood walk of fame but for peacemakers". An App gives full bios, and interconnects all the walks in 100 different locations world wide. World's largest peace monument in history is them possible and scale-able. Yes, this step out of the realm of commerce and into the realm of city making, livable cities, meaningful cities and basic human experiences shared. Kumara New Zealand has started a movement to install first peace walkway world wide. You can see the project at: Recent articles: INTERNET OF THINGS COUNCIL: #100miles4peace project #Internetofthings #100miles4peace #100kilometers4peace #Iot #smartcities #wisecities #landscape #art #architecture #urban
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Mar 18, 2016