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UPDATE: No charges were pressed against Paris.
UPDATE: No charges were pressed against Paris. Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Update: She had less than a gram of marijuana in...
Update: She had less than a gram of marijuana in her possession- she was released within a half hour. I guess we'll see how this unfolds... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Paris was just found with on her person!...
Paris was just found with on her person! I hope it's a mistake again. Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jul 12, 2010
Woooah... that guy is creepy... I wouldn't want MY face on his shirt.
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Twitr- There are outtakes from this photoshoot in my gallery. Amber is only in one scene near Mag- and there aren't any, erm, photogenic caps from that scene. It's called 'Harass Mag' in my gallery. (
Tommy- what?
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Define "saucy." :)
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Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jul 1, 2010
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 30, 2010
I'm watching My New BFF. I feel like I would be a...
I'm watching My New BFF. I feel like I would be a good friend to Paris, judging from what I know and have seen and heard from the REAL Paris. She wants someone who she can trust- someone who won't... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at Paris Hilton
The crop is a costume accessory Paris owns, it isn't for equestrian uses, haha.
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Tommy, I can actually answer that- the crop is Paris's. She brought it in as a prop.
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Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 29, 2010
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 28, 2010
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 27, 2010
Though pale with love they be? Ha ha ha haaaaaaa---!
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Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 26, 2010
Yes, he did.
My question is why the hell everyone boos after her face falls off- is that not entertaining?!
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I love this outfit- it's like the Statue of Libery, a mermaid and a toga mixed. The color is great, too!
I have a huge picture of her in this outfit. Maybe I'll post it.
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 25, 2010
Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 25, 2010
I've altered my game plan- basically you'll be getting one cap of each scene, as you have so far, then one deleted scene cap, then one behind the scenes cap, then one of each category, and then I'll go back to square one. No sense in boring you all!
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Malkatz added a photo at Paris Hilton
Jun 24, 2010
Twitr- those are coming when I'm finished with my caps... I'm trying to stay organized, haha!
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