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Thanks so much for the peek into the conference! Great to read about.
Live Blogging from Syracuse Institute on Communication and Inclusion
I’m at the 2013 Summer Institute on Communication and Inclusion, a conference on disability and technology hosted at Syracuse University. I’m in a ball room with blind people, deaf people, autistic people--what we have come to call “planet Syracuse”. Inclusion means everyone is at the table and ...
Oh, my. Teenagers. I'm exhausted for you. Are you looking forward to beach season?
Almost Pulling the All-nighter
Jim and I teach college students and we've been keeping their hours: Monday night, Charlie couldn't sleep till 3am and, as I had woken at midnight on Saturday to hear the sound of plastic crashing down the stairs, I stayed up reading about Greek sculpture. Tuesday he was, hardly surprisingly!, g...
Love it! With Jack, it depends. Something like that could be startling and hilarious or too startling and frightening.
A Boy Who Can Handle Things
Friday night we heard an unusual noise while the shower water was running; on going upstairs (in a non-rushing kind of of way), we found Charlie standing by the bathroom sink and holding the shower rod and curtain. He was grinning. Obviously, time for a new one! Perhaps, Charlie is indeed le...
Sigh. Wish we knew the answer.
The Riddle of the Sphinx, Charlie-style
Who swims in the morning at school, rides bikes in the afternoon, and runs in the evening? Yes, it's Charlie. (Who, despite his full share of exercise, is quite wide awake at 1am tonight and bursting with energy.)
Jack hated it when he was young, but loves it now, too. He watches the process and feels the sharp discards.
More in the Milestone Category
Fingernail-cutting was something I dreaded for years to do with Charlie. After attempting such while he was sleeping (bad idea but, when awake, he fidgeted mightily and pulled his fingers back and issued many other signs of resistance, plus I feared nipping him), I was gradually able to clip on...
Typepad does weird things with comments and Twitter logins. Sigh.
This is so hard to read and so hard for you and your family. ((hugs))
OCD and the ER
Charlie had a better day at school and asked to go on a bike ride when he came home. On the bike ride, he asked for a burrito. He has been doing so a lot and we have been taking him to get a burrito a lot and, as Jim and I have been thinking, really too much. The fact that he has been asking...
Beautiful. Stunningly beautiful.
Charlie Explains Himself
A journalist came to our house Saturday afternoon. He works for a large broadcasting network who had visited Charlie's school last week, along with other schools and school programs in New Jersey and a few other places. Charlie asked for a walk not long after the journalist appeared and so ou...
Love this photo. 40 min in a crowded waiting room would have done me in.
Good Friday
After a less than fortuitous start, Friday was a pleasant day. Jim drove to to Charlie's school for a special pancake breakfast (I had to give final exams) and visited with numerous teaches, therapists and aides. We went to the doctor after Jim had picked up Charlie from school and Charlie wai...
Oh, lordy. I feel for you, La Gloria. You are so right about trying to get away from the stress only to find it's still there. Even more for you, with your job and your knowledge. Even in my marriage, I feel I'm hounding more than I'm comfortable with and listened to less than I'm happy with. ((hugs))
Divorcing Autism
I don't know about you, but I can't stand partners working against each other when it affects their kids. I have had a series of clients whom I've had to straighten out before an IEP meeting. Usually it's the mom who is the expert (OF COURSE!) and the dad just goes along. But when one or the oth...
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Sep 8, 2010
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