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Ashlee Wells
Recent Activity
Love that you push aside all the peripheral bloviating and zero right in on what the true point is. There is a fine line, and no it's NOT black and white, the recipe for success and keeping it real is complicated and nuanced. Great content is how you keep it real, authentically marketing yourself is how you keep it real. Both are how you find lasting success.
I think that when writing about things we're asked/paid to write about, we can STILL be us. We can keep it real and interesting and integrate the product so it doesn't annoy people. I can't stand reviews that aren't remotely personal. I work hard to relate why I would agree to write about something -- building that reputation, that I write about things that interest me or that I care about, is key.
I feel like if I keep my memoir-ist content flowing, and spice it up with some sponsored conversation or a little goody here and there, that it is accurately reflecting my own interests and my own life, and the readers get to decide if they want to keep coming back. Other blogs would look weird with just one review all of the sudden, b/c it's not "them". Others write about different things and it would be odd to suddenly see them moping about weight loss or talking about the wind. Ahem.
I just love how you strive to encourage and bring together, something which not many can achieve. Kudos girl :)
Will You Hit Your Saturation Point Before Your Tipping Point?
Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! {Audioblog} Download 'Will You Hit Your Saturation Point...' read by the author ... No one likes to be left out. Just look at what I wrote on twitter the other day: Fantastic, indeed. That is my perso...
Sorry I'm just now getting over here to shower you with OMG's and LOL's. And I don't know what "whole hog" means, but dang, I'm happy for you woman!!!
Nine Weeks Ago I Was Pricing Vasectomies. God Has a Wicked Sense of Humor.
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I didn't get to say bye to you, but we'll be hugging and swapping smooches again rock and it was an honor to be on that panel with you!
I just got a magazine in the mail today that has Quincy Jones on the cover and says "Quincy Jones Searches for the Soul of America". It's right here baby, just read our blogs...
Back from Blissdom 09: I Got Soul but I'm Not a Soldier
Blog conferences are my element. I can't even pretend to be cool about it. I love them. We spend so much time sending our voices out into this seemingly empty space, often having no idea if we are being heard, frequently feeling as though we are spinning our wheels, reassuring ourselves tha...
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