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Oh Squirm is so cute! I would like to knit up a big one for me.
Knitcircus Spring 2011 Live and BagSmith Giveaway
Even though the kids have a snow day, it's Spring! Click on over for 21 knitting and crochet patterns previews, more articles than ever and two new videos, all with fresh Spring flair. Want to work up the design? Purchase the whole Pattern Collection for just $7.99. Now, about this contes...
Did I see laughter? Shared laughter.
What A Man Wants, What A Man Needs (edited)
Sorry for abusing the title of a Britney Spears song, but I thought that it was appropriate for today's post. I came up with the idea for this post as I was about to go to sleep last night/this morning, in a seriously sleep-deprived state, and decided to go through with it this morning (after on...
Sucks when you know it's a potential looming out there, isn't it? I hope the shadow passes you by this time. You've had enough.
Thinking positive thoughts my friend.
Icons and Inventory: I Can't Be Their Dooce to My Postpartum Depression
Did you notice that? A flash. A glimpse? An unexpected swell. Olive is due within weeks, if not days. All of my emotions have settled directly into my chest and occasionally push the breath right out of me. When I least expect it, they flood upward, into my face. They cloud my vision and f...
Oh just wait! I went into my bag for a pen at a mtg and found a cup. As in a protective cup for one of my sons.
I Have A Mom Purse
As a working mom, I have to look relatively professional in the morning when I head off to work. Pants that aren't jeans or meant for a workout, a nice top of some sort, and shoes with heels. My briefcase may be a bit overstuffed and full of papers that I shuttle to and from work night after n...
So glad you were giving them the right advice. We're dynamic people and we like developing relationships.
"Moms Who Tech" Birds Of Feather Session at Web 2.0 SF
I was excited to carry on the conversation we had at SXSW about "Moms Who Tech" that was so lively, we just had to keep it going. On Thursday April 2, 7pm at Web 2.0 (Not to be missed conference in SAN FRANCISCO) I moderated the Birds of a Feather "Moms Who Tech" session. Details were: This ses...
You are not alone!
I confess...
I think I am a very average mom. I do some things very well and others I don't do at all. I am usually fine with this, but every so often I feel the need to apologize, or at least confess. I confess that my toddler only gets a bath every other day, if that. I confess that I have, more than on...
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