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Manalo Jerry
Recent Activity
I'm follwoing up with Andrews Miller question in reference to NFS.
Thanks as well -- very helpful.
A similar breakdown focused on NFS would be wonderful as well.
vSphere Introduces the Plug-n-Play SAN
With today’s release of vSphere, VMware has introduced numerous new features and technologies all designed to advance the virtual evolution of our data centers. With this release VMware and their storage alliance partners have delivered Plug-n-Play SAN storage connectivity. As you begin downloadi...
Thanks as well -- very helpful.
A similar breakdown focused on NFS would be wonderful as well.
Andrew Miller
I'm following up with Andrews question in reference to NFS..
vSphere Introduces the Plug-n-Play SAN
With today’s release of vSphere, VMware has introduced numerous new features and technologies all designed to advance the virtual evolution of our data centers. With this release VMware and their storage alliance partners have delivered Plug-n-Play SAN storage connectivity. As you begin downloadi...
Manalo Jerry is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 16, 2010
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