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Somewhere in China!
Recent Activity
Sometimes I really miss my car, especially the trunk. I had everything I needed right in arms reach plus a safety seat for Caleb to ride in. Now we do well to ride in a car with a usable seatbelt in the front seat. Backseat riders just have to hold on. Thank goodness we usually travel around 25mph. We have simplified to two electric scooters. There is space in the seat for rain gear and the little suitcase on the back holds Caleb's helmet and safety harness. The rest of our supplies have to fit in my small backpack/purse. No... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2016 at Mandachino
Trip to the South
To maintain our visas, we have to leave the country every three months and reenter with a stamped passport. Our first run was May. We couldn't afford to go where our hearts desired (Thailand) so we headed to edge of China to cross the border into Laos. In our previous China life, a night bus was a walk in the park. We are now very much aware how different travel can be with a child. Caleb is under 1.2 meters tall so we don't pay for him. However, that means he also does not get a seat or in this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2016 at Mandachino
This lady makes shoes in the market around the...
This lady makes shoes in the market around the corner from our new place. Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2016 at Mandachino
Wake Up Call
First of all, I just want you to know that the internet is on lock down so I haven't been able to post any pictures. That has slowed things down but it seems to be because of some business taking place in Beijing. The general consensus is, once they've finished, we can be up and running again. I have attempted to insert a video. Please let me know if you're able to view it. Back to the wake up call. I seriously think China was trying to break me in as fast as possible. Remember I warned about having everything... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2016 at Mandachino
A week in
We've been here a week already. It's felt a little like time travel to me. So much is familiar. And ... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2016 at Mandachino
It Begins Again
I don't know how many of you still follow this blog but, here we go again! So much has happened in the 3 1/2 yrs we've been back, including a new addition. Caleb will be joining us from now on. We have moved 8 times, had a baby, been to Jamaica and now we are headed back to CHINA!! Only two weeks to go now. I'm going to try to focus on tips for raising a kid abroad, and funny stories and cool recipes, of course. I guess I will gauge my followers over the next month or so and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2016 at Mandachino
Hello tworights! Yeah that was muscadines, they smelled so good. I miss the markets in china though, so much livelier and way cheaper. Can't wait to get back.
Fresh market
Shopping at the farmers market here lacks so a few hundred extra people! There was so much room! The funnel cake trailer reminded me how far we are from home but it was nice to have access to inexpensive fresh veggies.
Fresh market
Shopping at the farmers market here lacks so a few hundred extra people! There was so much room! The funnel cake trailer reminded me how far we are from home but it was nice to have access to inexpensive fresh veggies. Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2012 at Mandachino
Silence........ Lots of it! From constant noise to.... None, it's a lot to take in. There was a time I longed for the peace and quiet. Dont get me wrong, it's nice. The birds chirping from the trees, cageless, the bubble if an artesian spring with no one pushing their way past, fishing with my dad with only the tension in the rod to think about. These are all precious parts of my Life here, part of who I am. But it all feeI strange somehow, new in a way. I'm constantly reminded of how much China has changed us.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2012 at Mandachino
June pics
June 2012 My dad planted a huge garden this year and I am reaping the benefits! That and the blueber... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2012 at Mandachino
Pics of home
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Posted Oct 22, 2012 at Mandachino
We spent June craving Chinese food and catching up on all the fine, unhealthy delicacies that home has to offer. We were surprised to find that very few of the things we had waited so long for held no appeal after the first bite. After eating healthy for so long, everything fresh, it's just a big disappointment to put something processed in your mouth and expect to be satisfied. I was so terrified to come back to America, fearing the weight I will gain since that is what America promotes, right? EAT! I have gained a little but I already... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2012 at Mandachino
Catching up
Ok I know you haven't heard from in four months and I've probably lost many of my followers. For that I sincerely apologize. I could make excuses about settling in to a foreign-to-me country, the lack of Internet in the boondocks ( middle of nowhere), or the lack of incentive to write about a place I want to leave. Take your pick. But, I'm back! The next series will catch you up on what we've been doing and where we've been, more or less. Read between the lines as you please. The reality of life hit us as soon as... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2012 at Mandachino
Thanks for the boost Cindy! You guys are doing so well! We are very proud of you for taking the leap!
Good eats!
My dad planted a huge garden this year and put in Chinese eggplant, just for me. It's my favorite Chinese vegetable! Tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, and more have all graced our plate thanks to him. I have to pick some of it of course but it's nice to be out there with him. The other day I pan sea...
My dearest Joe, (Yi Sun) Yes, it means I can't wait to go back to China. We love our life there and the people who have become part of our family, you included! Miss you!
What we've been doing
Hello everybody! We have been back for two months now and it feels like six. We are still adjusting, especially me. It's so strange to think that I never wanted to go to China and now we can't wait to get back. Meanwhile, we have been staying as busy as possible. I teach Chinese on Friday nights...
Good eats!
My dad planted a huge garden this year and put in Chinese eggplant, just for me. It's my favorite Chinese vegetable! Tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, and more have all graced our plate thanks to him. I have to pick some of it of course but it's nice to be out there with him. The other day I pan seared whitefish and sautéed onions, eggplant and tomatoes with a basil pesto sauce made with fresh basil leaves, garlic, tomatoes, and a bit of olive oil blended together. It was amazing! You should try it!! Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2012 at Mandachino
What we've been doing
Hello everybody! We have been back for two months now and it feels like six. We are still adjusting, especially me. It's so strange to think that I never wanted to go to China and now we can't wait to get back. Meanwhile, we have been staying as busy as possible. I teach Chinese on Friday nights to a group of friends and we have been able to spend time with our families. Work has been hard to come by, as in, we just found some a few days ago. To keep our spirits up, we spend a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2012 at Mandachino
My baby's happy
Frank saw his niece and newborn nephew for the first time. Bre'Lynn took to him right away, snuggling up to him as he sang Chinese songs to her. He's hooked! His mom fed him her now world famous fried pork chops, and precious Eva sat with him through Macgyver reruns. Frank's world was complete. Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2012 at Mandachino
Illinois pics
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Posted Jun 15, 2012 at Mandachino
慢慢来 Slowly slowly come.
It was easy to spot my family at the airport. Who else would shamelessly don themselves in goofiness... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2012 at Mandachino
Familiar and Un
We have spent the past week getting readjusted to America's time and America's weather:HOT! Jet lag is pretty much taken care of but we are not ready to face South Carolina's heat. Worse than the weather are the shoes I have to wear. I'm used to sneakers and loafers with insoles. Now my poor feet are strapped into white wedges that sweat and chafe and leave me crippled after a day on foot. Why oh why do women do this to themselves? I can't buy another, more comfortable pair yet because I don't have the room in my luggage and... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2012 at Mandachino
Here we are in Mattoon Illinois. Exactly, a tiny place the Chinese would laugh at with it's population of only 18.4.....thousand. But there is steak here! And golf! And air conditioning. Frank even has access to play station, we may never leave! I on the other hand am struggling with small things like wearing dress shoes. Whose idea was it to raise the heel on a perfectly comfortable loafer, narrow the sole, add some straps to give you blisters and call it pretty? Gimme back my sneakers and house slippers! I do like the variety in clothes though and as... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2012 at Mandachino
我们到了!women daole! (we have arrived)
Looks like we made it! The layover got laid over for an extra hour, making it 17 total. The flight was a bit bumpy but with free Chivas and Johnny Walker Black, who cared! The baggage claim in Chicago held us for almost an hour. The benefit of checking in 16 hours before your flight is that your luggage goes in first....but it comes out last! Then we got stuck in customs. Apparently, bringing cured ham into the states is illegal. I had claimed it on the customs form just to be sure and they confiscated it. The lines were... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2012 at Mandachino
Sleeping in an airport
DON'T: find seats near a gate where people crowd in intervals and want your row if seats DON'T: sit in area close to construction work that begins at 2 am ( it's 2 am by the way) DON'T: drink Starbucks coffee after midnight and destroy any hope of actual sleep DON'T: eat fried, cheap western good as your first meal back and get an upset stomach DON'T: take out your contacts before you've located your glasses which you apparently stashed in your carry on that you decided last minute to CHECK! Or before your husband asks you to go order... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2012 at Mandachino
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Posted May 17, 2012 at Mandachino
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