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M & Co - Around the house
Gardener by summer, crafter by winter, and forever a lover of the aesthetically pleasing
Interests: art, photography, crafts, interior design, decorating, gardening and housekeeping.
Recent Activity
Until recently my favorite was alhambra 2, but now I've completely fallen in love the whole Filigree collection .-)
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M & Co - Around the house is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thank you for visiting me :-) Glad you liked the post, and hope you visited Love, Monica
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2009 on Small Spring 09 - Cute as ever! at M & Co
1 reply
Hihi, koselig med så varm velkomst da! Savnet dere alle så mye at jeg måtte komme meg tilbake til bloggingen igjen :-) Gleder meg til å se sommerbukettene du får frem ;-) Stooor klem, Monica
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2009 on Small Spring 09 - Cute as ever! at M & Co
1 reply
Here in Norway the sales of magazines has gone down quite a bit last year, but not so dramatic that magazines have bee forced to shut down. Actually we got two more interior magazines over here during the past year! I don't know which magazines in the US has been shut down, but I've noticed two favorites; Domino magazine and Home Companion has disappeared?! What a shame if its the smaller magazines that goes and only the more elitist publications that remains :-( And June, I so agree, color is the key to keeping up our spirits! ;-)
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This is great news! I'm hoping you'll add a tool to easily add background images to our design? Thats what I miss the most.
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