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I encourage you to read the FACT Sheet on the KCMO website to see how this is actually funded. With debt service it's $68 million dollars out of the general fund. They want to take surplus TIF funds from the I-29 KCI corridor project and repurpose them for this project. Is that even legal?
Second, this is to build a PAY TO PLAY facility. Not a PARK, not something we can use for RECREATIONAL sports, but for COMPETITIVE for-profit club and tournament sports. Why is the city subsidizing this? Watch the comments from the City Manager's office, they aren't even requiring the developer to put ANY money in, nor is Platte County, nor are the school. Just the KCMO taxpayers.
You can read my opposition to this plan at the link below.
Northland Sports Complex Moves Forward
First off, it you are doing business and are not a member of the Platte County Economic Development Council, you need to be. Follow this link here and see how they can help you. They also have some free data and reports you can peruse this weekend while sitting a swim meet or just hanging out ...
ManTrails is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 25, 2019
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