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Marcia W.
Recent Activity
Marcia W. added a favorite at Sally's Angelworks
Jun 22, 2013
I'm becoming frustrated in that my comments are not posting to your blog. I love my Shepherd and thank Him daily for His grace of salvation offered and accepted. Jesus loves and takes care of me, one of his sheep, as I deal with stage 4 terminal cancer. I depend upon the comfort of his love. [email protected]
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2013 on {sheep} at Sally's Angelworks
I know the Shepherd's voice...and I love Him because He first loved me. Each day I am reminded of the grace of Jesus' gift of salvation. I wake up, hear His voice, and pray. I accept that gift of grace and life everlasting. I have stage 4 terminal lung cancer that has metastasized into bone cancer. The Shepherd is taking care of me, I am a sheep, I love others as myself, this is why I love sheep. Amen. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2013 on {sheep} at Sally's Angelworks
We have haunted your birthday blog this week, albeit confused about when and where to leave comments. Because, we really like your blog and reading about those cute projects and your family. The giveaways are wonderful too. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
We already follow you with bloglovin' as Marcia W. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com.
We already liked you on FB as Margaret alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com.
It would be grand to attend RBD fabric fest. Yet alas, terminal cancer will keep me at home.
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2013 on Blog Hop....stop here! at The Quilted Fish
My favorite part of staying in a hotel is that I can use all the hot water, clean, fresh towels and little bottles of good smelling items that I want to for bathing. I will be the cleaniest, best smelling, little RBD blossom at fabric fest. Certainly, after ordering in hotel breakfast room service of anything I want to eat, I will welcome taking an after breakfast nap before rolling down for those fab classes! mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com Thanks for the chance.
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2013 on Blog Hop....stop here! at The Quilted Fish
My original comment disappeared .... right now I am working on the first quilt to be straightline quilted on my home machine. I'm flying blind - without instructions - to quilt it in sections. It's a 5x5 row column grid so I've named it "Fives". Thanks for the chance to win your 30s birthday celebration giveaway. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented Jun 13, 2013 on 30 at Simplify
1 reply
I used to be 27 forever, then my late father claimed that age. So, I "became 29", and he claimed that too. So, maybe I can slide in on your 30th because I recently claimed 60. You are 30, your Mom is 50, I'm 60, and I could be your "young" grandmother! Maybe RNG will recognize this! My thoughts and prayers for your mother's restoration of health are with you and your family as your mother goes through her treatments. Though I have stage 4 terminal cancer and under hospice, I can empathize with some of the challenges your family faces. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented Jun 13, 2013 on 30 at Simplify
1 reply
Thanks for introducing yourself to readers. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
1 reply
Thanks for the sneak peek at this lovely little bird. I'm looking forward to seeing what the final neutral quilt will be, as your photo is generating high expectations of beauty on the piceocake quilt index. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2013 on Here's a bit... at Piece O' Cake Blog
This is a gorgeous line of fabric. I would make an equally gorgeous quilt if am so fortunate as to win. Thanks to you and BariJ for the chance. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Ladylike Black Tea is a favorite. I subscribe to the AGF blog by email; liked AGF on FB; follow on Pinterest; and subscribe to Soulful Eyes via email. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and the tutorial for the coasters. Hope I win! alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
1 reply
Great fabric from BariJ, thanks for the chance to win so can make a lovely quilt from this bundle. Please have a safe and productive trip. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
1 reply
I've never tried handprinting and would love to. You have everything organized and kit together, thank you. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented May 10, 2013 on It's Giveaway Day!... at Buzzmills
I'm looking forward to spending summer with my family as have stage 4 terminal cancer, so really want to be able to spend that time with loved ones. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com Right now, I'm quilting a little each day and doing what makes me feel happy.
Toggle Commented May 9, 2013 on another may, another giveaway at blah
This is a gorgeous sewing machine cover. I follow AGF on Pinterest, liked on FB, and subscribe to your blog. Hope to win! alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com Marcia and Margaret Wright
1 reply
If win, then this will be the first purse that I will have made! The pattern is very cute. Thanks for the giveaway to you both. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Congratulations on the selection of your block for Quiltmaker's Volume 7 of 100 Blocks. It is a wonderful block. Thanks also for the giveaway of your book. I want to learn to applique so am crossing my fingers that can win a copy (autographed?) of a book by experts! Thanks for the chance. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented May 2, 2013 on Welcome, blog tourists! at Piece O' Cake Blog
Blue is my favorite color. Thank you so much for a blue bundle giveaway chance. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2013 on it's fat 1/8 tuesday! at i have to say...
1 reply
I have grandnieces and like your scrapbook ideas. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dotit)com
Your flutter orange project is very cute. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dotit)com
Thanks for the lovely story. Giving people the capability of working for themselves is a wonderful gift (whether it is a wheep, goat, or heifer). mlwright29(at)hotmail(dotit)com
Those little strawberries are cute. We just had our first strawberries yesterday. mlwright29(at)hotmail(dotit)com