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Margaret Almon
North of Philadelphia
I'm a mosaic artist.
Interests: glass, making mosaics, creating with my hands
Recent Activity
Singing is an apt metaphor.
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I am excited the move is afoot! Thanks for the kind words about my mosaic.
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More Wordless Here. [I hope to be back to my regular URL for Margaret Almon Mosaics soon!] Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
It boggles my mind that glass starts from materials like sand!
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Yes, I would covet having this in my bedroom, so I could watch the shadowy waves of light!
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Keri, thanks for the encouragement about WP! Hope you are getting back to normal after the lightning strike! Thanks for stopping by, in the aftermath of the losing internet.
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This year, Stratoz and I went to the Rochester Jazz Festival on vacation, and maybe this is why I at first when I saw this sculpture at the Corning Museum of Glass(CMOG) on our way back from the festival, I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
Thank you for sharing this feeling of hope with me.
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I was drawn to the idea of making the cross a gradation of color--theres something powerful in those progressions!
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I had the opportunity to see the Helen Mirkil exhibit of Mixed Media "Hidden Stories: Self Portraits, Landscapes and Flowers" at the Fine Arts Center Art Gallery at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, PA. I was taken with... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
UPDATE: My blog is now over at WordPress, and the typepad version will soon be gone. I'm excited to move to a platform that allows for readers to subscribe to comments and encourage conversation. The address will still be Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
In our partnership of marriage and craft, it is good that one of us has some geek talent, and that Stratoz puts it to such good use. Over Memorial Day weekend he took on iMovie and made 4 videos about... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
Stratoz has been busy taking care of the garden!
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Thank you for your encouragement, and the lovely phrase a rainbow of magic!
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I work by texture as much as by color--I love touchable texture.
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I love it when someone challenges me to play with new colors! A customer, who used to live in Pennsylvania, but now lives in Florida, described how her PA colors seemed too dark for her light filled, spacious rooms in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
I come full circle with the June pendant, the last month of the birthstone series I started in July, 2010. Pearl is close to my heart since my name, Margaret, means "pearl." I was interested to read that pearls are... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2011 at Margaret Almon Mosaics
I love that swirling mass of universal love--what a great image!
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I like that idea about surrounding ourselves with what we admire, even if we dont realize it!
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