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Natick, MA
Trying to always keep love in focus.
Interests: knitting, writing, photography, basketball, special needs parenthood, bring a mom, baking, graphic design
Recent Activity
A new pattern: the James Cowl (for AHC awareness)
Unless you were living without electricity I am sure you saw the phenomimon that is the Ice Bucket Challenge. It all started with Pete Frates, a former Boston College baseball player who was stricken with ALS and has decided not... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2014 at tentenknits
thanks Jodi! Now to find the time to knit with it all ;-)
A trip home.
I had the fortune of traveling to the NY/NJ area a few weekends ago. It was my "pregnancy gift to thyself". I spent the weekend in Rhinebeck, NY surrounded by knits, fleece, friends and apple cider donuts and the week in NJ with some family before heading back to New England. I LOVE going to the...
Get writing girl. You know you inspire me with YOUR words. :-)
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
Oh the ever inevitable blog hiatus. Friends and knitters, life throws us curve balls, hail storms and road blocks. In this year of 2014 I think I got thrown all three (and MORE). It all started in January when my son experienced a very long hospital stay. Things had been fishy from the time he w...
DENISE! You are amazing and I love what you wrote. Its so poignant and I believe true. Us knitters know how to see the potential in something that may seem ordinary.
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
Oh the ever inevitable blog hiatus. Friends and knitters, life throws us curve balls, hail storms and road blocks. In this year of 2014 I think I got thrown all three (and MORE). It all started in January when my son experienced a very long hospital stay. Things had been fishy from the time he w...
A trip home.
I had the fortune of traveling to the NY/NJ area a few weekends ago. It was my "pregnancy gift to thyself". I spent the weekend in Rhinebeck, NY surrounded by knits, fleece, friends and apple cider donuts and the week... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2014 at tentenknits
Thanks Bekah!
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
Oh the ever inevitable blog hiatus. Friends and knitters, life throws us curve balls, hail storms and road blocks. In this year of 2014 I think I got thrown all three (and MORE). It all started in January when my son experienced a very long hospital stay. Things had been fishy from the time he w...
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
Oh the ever inevitable blog hiatus. Friends and knitters, life throws us curve balls, hail storms and road blocks. In this year of 2014 I think I got thrown all three (and MORE). It all started in January when my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2014 at tentenknits
From Mama, With Love Blog Tour!
Starting tomorrow, From Mama With Love is going "On TOUR!" (Shake those rock fingers!) We are so thrilled that our knit friends and sponsors will be reviewing our new e-book. Please check them out as some are doing giveaways (both... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2014 at tentenknits
You're quite welcome ALL!
New Collection: From Mama, With Love
Introducing a new 5 designer, 15 pattern collection, From Mama, With Love. I am so thrilled to be a part of an all-star design team: Tanis Gray, Connie Chang Chinchio, Kate Gagnon Osborn and Melissa LaBarre! We are all moms who wanted to make knits for our children to share with you. I have 3 ...
New Collection: From Mama, With Love
Introducing a new 5 designer, 15 pattern collection, From Mama, With Love. I am so thrilled to be a part of an all-star design team: Tanis Gray, Connie Chang Chinchio, Kate Gagnon Osborn and Melissa LaBarre! We are all moms... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2014 at tentenknits
Quince & Co: Anita
Another day, another scarf! The Anita cowl, named for my mother, is knit in Quince & Co's Puffin yarn. Using a 10.5 needle, it's a super quick knit! Not only is this model my style with the curly hair but... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2014 at tentenknits
New Pattern: Swirly for Knit Collage
Following one pattern release with another! Say wha!? This beauty is called Swirly, in Knit Collage's new yarn, Swirl. I'll let Amy give you all the details here! Hope you check it out! Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2014 at tentenknits
New Pattern: Kendi
So as you know, it's taken me a while to sit down and finally blog again. Getting my apologies post out first I thought I'd follow it with a new pattern! My color block drop should sweater, Kendi! From inspiration,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at tentenknits
Catching up!
My mother called me the other day and asked if I've updated my blog in a while. Yikes, I told her, I had not. Not to mention every time I would think about posting I would cringe. The idea of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2014 at tentenknits
The Cowl Reigns!
I actually had written this post way before I saw (and others pointed out to me) that my Luxe Cowl is Hot Right Now on Ravelry! I couldn't be more excited! It's a super simple yet lovely pattern. Perfect for... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2013 at tentenknits
Kendi Sweater: Sneek Peak
I brought this sweater out at Rheinbeck on Sunday. It's hugably soft and I can tell will get a lot of wear this winter. Pattern is being worked on and a full reveal will come soon! xx m Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2013 at tentenknits
What I'm Loving Right Now: Marled
I am having a little crush on marled sweaters right now. During my wonderful Rheinbeck weekend I shared a house with the fabulous Amy Christoffers who wore her Moxie pullover during our knit downtime. I love how stylish and simple... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2013 at tentenknits
Happy Ten Ten Thirteen!
I was talking to another mom the other day and we were commenting on how quickly the days are passing. I honestly feel that the months are moving so quickly that they are being construed as a day of the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2013 at tentenknits
Thank you Evelyn!! I appreciate the hope ;-)
A skein of a different color
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho and a couple of la di da's, that's how you knit the day away in the merry old land of OZ Chez Tenten!! You hear it all the time when it comes to knitting projects, "Make sure you buy more than enough yarn!" and most of the time I am So good at that task. Just ask my husband...
Thank you for the FAITH! Im just gonna let it flow and see what happens... and yes, yarn hoarding:doing it right! ;-)
A skein of a different color
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho and a couple of la di da's, that's how you knit the day away in the merry old land of OZ Chez Tenten!! You hear it all the time when it comes to knitting projects, "Make sure you buy more than enough yarn!" and most of the time I am So good at that task. Just ask my husband...
A skein of a different color
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho and a couple of la di da's, that's how you knit the day away in the merry old land of OZ Chez Tenten!! You hear it all the time when it comes to knitting... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2013 at tentenknits
Book Giveaway Winner!
Sorry for delaying this from last week! I didn't forget :-) Winner of the Great Little Gifts to Knit is Congratulations, Anne Marie! I hope you make lots of SOCKS! Hope everyone else has casted on or are we all... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2013 at tentenknits
Book Review & Giveaway: Great Little Gifts to Knit
One of the greatest pleasures of being a knitter is the ability to create gifts for the ones we love. Whether it's a hat or a shawl or even a small bootie, using our hands to create things always adds... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2013 at tentenknits
Late to the moment party but I'm a first timer!
thanks for having this!
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . . {this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
{this moment}
Taking a part of Soul Mama's Moment - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2013 at tentenknits
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