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I have several cases for both my iPhone 4 and the 3GS. Right now on my I4 I'm using a purple Speck case I bought. Great case and I love the color purple. On my 3GS, which my son is currently using as an itouch, I have a Switcheasy case on there. They are the best cases. Need to get one for the I4.
Gagets and their accessories
There was a time when a person mp3/ipod or Camera or even phone acted as an Accessory in the sense that it was a status symbol. Now as smart phones and other devices are more readily available to to prices dropping and some smart phones becoming free with a new contract. So as every other st...
Mariah2you is now following Matthew Sapp
Nov 9, 2010
Mariah2you is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 25, 2010
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