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Mariah Walker
Recent Activity
Thanks for sharing your birthday goodies & ideas with us!
Happy 9th birthday celebration - Day FOUR!
Welcome to Day FOUR of our fabulous 9th birthday celebration! We have loved reading your comments these last few days and cannot thank you enough for the kind thoughts! Keep them coming! Today design team member Laura Vegas is here to share a great birthday card idea along with our friends fro...
Love the file folder cards. Think they are a great idea for pockets on a scrapbook page too!!
Happy 9th birthday celebration - Day THREE!
It's Day Three of our 9th birthday celebration and we have Virginia Nebel joining us today with more wonderful birthday inspiration! "SCT is turning 9 this year, hip hip hooray! If I could insert the catchy and famous 80’s song lyrics “There’s a party goin’ on right here, a celebration to las...
What a fabulous way to celebrate a birthay! Love to mug idea.
Happy 9th birthday celebration - Day TWO!
Thank you so much for joining us for day TWO of our 9th birthday celebration! Day one was amazing and all your comments were so wonderful and inspiring to read! If you're just joining us for the first time, be sure to check out yesterday's post! Today, design team member Marla Kress joins us wit...
Mariah Walker is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 25, 2015
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