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Althea Marie
Recent Activity
Far Infrared Ray treatment has recently been verified to have a place in curing cancer, and the challenge is finding a way to make it accessible for everyone. Cancer is directly associated with cell division and those that don’t separate can’t become cancerous. Therefore, the carcinoma of the brain is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at Everything Heated
What I totally despise about the ultra cold weather (we all know how unusually cold the climate is lately) is that it makes me so clumsy – most specially my hands. It is almost as if I do not have total control over it. I guess the chill is making... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Everything Heated
At any time of the year, I enjoy long drives because of the scenic view that my eyes can feast on before I get to my destination. Well, I enjoy long drives at any time of the year EXCEPT during winter. It is just far too cold for my taste.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2011 at Everything Heated
During the summer season, there is an increase in the number of shoulder injury cases due to the many types of activities people engage in during this time. It’s the perfect season to go for a swim, play outdoor sports, hike and go mountain biking. The options are endless and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Everything Heated
I may not be a professional badminton player but I must admit than I'm pretty good at it. Not only do I play regularly but I also trained a year ago so I was pretty sure that my technique was correct. I guess what I did wrong was I focused... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Everything Heated
Back pain is a pestering ordeal to go through and some treatments may cause even more danger than the pain itself. Abusing on pain medication such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Morphine and Methadone has been a struggle for physicians, patients and drug regulators alike, and the number of emergency room visits... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at Everything Heated
The huggie buddy is an innovative product from venture that incorporates the use of sleeves in the usual blanket form. Typically a blanket is just a piece of garment that is designed to keep the user warm. But because of the changing times, manufacturers created heating solutions to maintain heat... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2011 at Everything Heated
Although most people know how harmful it is to sit for long hours every day, still, sitting remains something unavoidable. Just imagine a pie chart in front of you wherein you’ll list your activities per day. Then you’ll notice that after sleeping for 8 hours and working at the office... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Everything Heated
In the age of the internet, finding stuff is as easy as click of a button. Looking for the latest gadgets or techie toys, a simple search on google will prove sufficient. How about a new pair of shoes? A number of websites will help you on making a purchase.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at Everything Heated
Scoliosis refers to spinal problem in which there develops a sideways curving in the spine soon after an individual develops the age of puberty. There are several reasons behind occurrence of scoliosis such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or may be some unknown reason. The severe cases of scoliosis can... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Everything Heated
Scoliosis is an ailment where the sideway curve of the spine gets affected. It looses it natural and normal arch and gets tilted towards left or right. When the shape of spine experiences major change, the rib cages also fears prominent deformity, known as scoliosis. The deformity in scoliosis is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Everything Heated
When I was just 6 years old, if other toddlers were playing their toy guns and robots, what I do is to have a click on my camera. My parents noticed that I love it more than a usual kid’s stuff and so as Christmas gift, they bought me one.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at Everything Heated
We’ve all had these nights. It’s raining outside and there’s nothing left to do but pop a bag of microwaveable cheese popcorn and begin an all night DVD marathon. So you grab your blanket and head to your couch, forcing yourself to be as comfy as possible. Alas, your ratty... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2011 at Everything Heated
Watching television, video game playing, reading newspaper while having a cup of coffee and some inactive stuff are things we usually enjoy during our leisure time. Obviously, who would like to go very active on a weekend after a 5-day continuous stressful work? Everyone would love taking their bodies to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2011 at Everything Heated
Can you feel the cool wind nowadays? It’s just a simple cue that winter is already approaching. Those people who cannot stand the freezing weather, most of them leave the state and go for a warmer place while some just try encaging themselves inside their house, near the fireplace. It’s... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 23, 2011 at Everything Heated
Can you feel the cool wind nowadays? It’s just a simple cue that winter is already approaching. Those people who cannot stand the freezing weather, most of them leave the state and go for a warmer place while some just try encaging themselves inside their house, near the fireplace. It’s... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2011 at Everything Heated
I love how my mom bakes delicious bread. You can even smell the bread around the whole block. We own a bake shop just a few blocks away from our house. It’s really satisfying. My mom used to be the chief baker but when she experienced sudden shots of pain... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2011 at Everything Heated
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