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Marie Zvezda Monro
Recent Activity
Love the cards and the last pendant. Please pop by and see my FF selection if you get the chance! Cheers, Marie x
Folksy Friday!
Swifts! I love them! I've just been out in the back garden watching and listening to them - "flee flee!" as they dash about after flying insects...the loveliest birds ever! Consequently, I've decided my Folksy Friday Feature today will be all about swifts...can't say there's that many, but I'l...
Marie Zvezda Monro is now following Hats Outrageous!
May 28, 2010
Just stopped by from Folksy to see your cute selection of goodies. Please pop by my blog for my first Folksy Friday collection too and some vintage inspired lovelies!!
Folksy Friday!
Forum members at Folksy have a group called "Folksy Friday", where they pick a theme and find examples related to that theme among the many gorgeous items listed for sale within the depths of Folksy. I've decided I'm going to take part, so every Friday (hopefully) from today onwards, I shall be...
Marie Zvezda Monro is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 22, 2010
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