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Marion Danna
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If this lady is a presley by blood she should be recognized for sure, what makes me mad is prisilas dirty ass divorced elvis many years before elvis died and wasnt even in his will, he wasnt good enough for her, but now his name and money is, the only reason pricillas ass is in on this mess is because she is her daughters mother, so she pulled that one good, she is a greedy self centered witch. even pricillas parents are living off elvis presleys estate and they couldnt even stand him in the beginning.
Eliza Presley's lawsuit is dismissed
Eliza Presley's paternity lawsuit, seeking a judicial determination that Vernon Elvis Presley is her biological father, has been dismissed from Chancery Court. The lawsuit, which The Probate Lawyer Blog has covered at length, was based in part on DNA evidence that Elvis Presley is still alive a...
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Oct 7, 2011
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