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Mark Bahner
Recent Activity
"The critical political issue of the 21st century is recognizing that the crisis is now, not in the future, and doing something about it in time to retain the possibility of food security for the existing population. Nothing else really matters at all, because if we don't get that right people will go extinct more probably than not."
The human race goes extinct because the global temperature increases by a few degrees Celsius?
Global Warming: Time to Call the Bad Intellectual Bets...
**Eric Holthaus**: _[@EricHolthaus][]_: "Now that it's over, we can say for sure: 2016 was the warmest year we've ever measured on Earth." We need to remember who the deniers and the skeptics have been over the past 30 years: bad judgments and corrupt arguments need to be remembered. First of a...
"They don't want to give up the Industrial Civilization they struggled so mightily to build."
And you think they'll have to?
Here is a post I made relative to an letter by the editors of Technology Review. I'd be interested in your predictions for the year 2050 and 2100 for the parameters in the table I drew up:
Horseshit Stories
This is reprint from October 8, 2012. This post covers some of the deep confusion that always goes along with discussions of global warming, and thus anticipates tomorrow's post — Dave I have had occasion to mention the writing of New Yorker science correspondent Elizabeth Kolbert from time to ...
"So this would be of tremendous value to me, but it need not involve much additional energy (at least compared to the first ~80 years of life)."
"Living *forever* would in fact need infinite additional energy."
OK, how about living 10,000 years?
Exponential Engineer Meets Finite Physicist
Tom Murphy at "Do the Math" recounts the experience of meeting an economist at a dinner party, and debating the question, "Can GDP grow indefinitely?" I think the answer to this question is obviously, "Yes." Let's start with the basics: what is GDP? It's the total value of goods and services pro...
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Mar 15, 2010
"You seem to be assuming a growth rate of per capita income of more than 7% a year. Which is way higher than historical averages..."
Yes, I predict per-capita economic growth will accelerate from 2-3 percent per year to >10 percent per year by 2060:
...due to advances in computers:
Why every single person will be a millionaire by 2100 (and why we should care)
I wrote that every single person in the world in 2100 will be a millionaire (in year 2000 dollars) because if the wealthier people in 2100, “…give only 2 percent of their lifetime income to charity, that means even the poorest people would be able to get a couple million dollars.” Andrew Reyn...
Hi Tom,
I agree with Randall O'Toole's point that the Forest Service shouldn't be trying to manipulate the fuels in all the forests in the U.S.
Where I think we might disagree is that I wouldn't mind if the federal government developed a rapid response system that can protect houses from wildfires.
For example, fire retardant gels seems to work to significantly reduce the chances that a home burns down. I wouldn't mind if the federal government bought several million dollars worth of fire retardant gel, and used helicopters to get it from storage sites in various states to the location of fires that threaten houses.
How to reduce deaths and property loss from wildfires
The bushfires in Australia have gotten me very interested in ways to reduce deaths and property loss from wildfires. If there are any folks from Australia or the U.S. with experience or interest in this subject, please leave a comment. Thanks, Mark
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