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Mark Frazel
Recent Activity
Mark Frazel is now following elaine equi
May 10, 2010
I knew I'd seen it somewheres - I do and I do and I do for you
From the Coffeehouse to the Whitehouse: Poetry, Advertising and Cool
The "poet-in-coffeehouse" image that opened the last post looks a lot different from the poet below, in another coffeehouse, from a Gap ad of 1992: The '59 poet was corny and dumb, just this side of Maynard G. Krebs. This one is, well, plain cool. The performer, Downtown poet pioneer ...
Mark Frazel is now following Jerome Sala
May 10, 2010
Dear Jerome - this famous quote has a familiar ring to it -
"Only one person has the right to be an anarchist, me, the poet, because I alone produce something that society doesn't want, in exchange for which it gives me nothing to live on."
From the Coffeehouse to the Whitehouse: Poetry, Advertising and Cool
The "poet-in-coffeehouse" image that opened the last post looks a lot different from the poet below, in another coffeehouse, from a Gap ad of 1992: The '59 poet was corny and dumb, just this side of Maynard G. Krebs. This one is, well, plain cool. The performer, Downtown poet pioneer ...
Mark Frazel is now following The Typepad Team
May 5, 2010
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