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Mark Warriner
Recent Activity
Armando, As far as the Allen and Johnson cuts: The Fins are sticking to the youth movement-plan. They don't want to impede the progress of the young players with less reps. This fortifies my suspicion that they will have a youth-criteria on anyone picked up to bolster the O-line.
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Time will tell with Odick. We are not the experts here. I'm trusting the Trifecta with this. What’s exciting to me now is the second and third round. I can't remember a deeper second than this. The combination of trading down, strange picks and a deep draft have given the Dolphins these candidates to choose from: Sergio Kindle, Taylor Mays, Terrence Cody, Golden Tate, Nate Allen, Arrelious Benn, Linval Joseph, Jimmy Graham, Ricky Sapp, Toby Gerhart, Cam Thomas and Mardy Gilyard. Half the teams between picks 33 and 39 will be wanting something other than an ILB, NT and FS. Todays draft should be good. Mando, what do think the chances of Miami acquiring more picks through trades in rounds 3 through 4? I’m expecting some very good players to still be available even then. PS Mando, give me a job. ;)
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Mark Warriner is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2010