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I find it hilarious that so many of you are proclaiming those who use 'these ones' or 'those ones' are ignorant of the English language yet you fail to demonstrate it substantively. There's a reason for that. The reason is because it does not break any rules. Just because you all find it unpleasant does not make it incorrect. You've shown your ignorance on the matter by coming up with propositions as to why it's incorrect off the top of your head only to have your objections rightfully dismissed on an individual basis. Say you find it distasteful, you're entitled to that. If you say it's incorrect, prove it, otherwise, it is you that is incorrect. It has been in common usage and its meaning has been explored by linguists hundreds of years ago. Read up before you claim authority on the matter.
Toggle Commented Oct 22, 2018 on These ones? Those ones? at Ask the English Teacher
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Oct 21, 2018