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Mark Winston
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must see in 3D
must see in 3D
Avatar Blog
James Cameron just released a movie about using technology to become immersed in another world, and it seems the 3-D and motion capture are all they're cracked up to be, and the 2-D and 3-D versions are practically different movies, blogs this Singaporean fan. via So true Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at Mark Winston's blog
AVATAR in 2D vs 3D
I'll be honest if I saw the movie in 2 dimensions I wouln't have liked it as much, for a couple of reasons Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at Mark Winston's blog
'll be honest if I saw the movie in 2 dimensions I...
'll be honest if I saw the movie in 2 dimensions I wouln't have liked it as much, for a couple of reasons 1. It was a very long movie and I had to pee after the second hour. That... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at AVATAR
I'll be honest if I saw the movie in 2 dimensions I wouln't have liked it as much, for a couple of reasons
1. It was a very long movie and I had to pee after the second hour. That problem alone with any normal 2D movie is always a problem.
2. unless the story is so good that you don't even think about peeing because it moves like butterflies in your stomach and your so caught up in the movie emotionally you don't go pee and miss 5 important minutes.
3. Thus if I saw the movie in 2D I would have got up somewhere during the 2nd hour of the movie and used the restroom thus breaking the entire movie experience.
AVATAR, I have seen better movies with better...
AVATAR, I have seen better movies with better stories but I will say if you see it in 3D it becomes more than a movie. It's like a full immersion into another world, almost like the submarine ride they had when I was a kid at Disneyland on steroids. In the beginning mainly your left eye will go a...
Mark Winston added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 14, 2010
AVATAR, I have seen better movies with better...
AVATAR, I have seen better movies with better stories but I will say if you see it in 3D it becomes more than a movie. It's like a full immersion into another world, almost like the submarine ride they had... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at AVATAR
- Mark Winston's blog
- Mark Winston's blog test Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Mark Winston's blog
3D was great
must see in 3D
must see in 3D
must see in 3D
must see in 3D Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Mark Winston's blog
Mark Winston is now following AVATAR
Jan 10, 2010
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Jan 10, 2010
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