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Martha Galvez
Recent Activity
not sure how to put this :):)
b/c i'm slightly in shock here heart racing hands shaking but somehow i KNEW it. and this life is about to become two times fuller, two times crazier two times more blessed. help me Lord. :) p.s. the doctor thinks they are identical. excuse me. i have to lie down.
Oh Teresa! I was so worry about you and this issue! I am glad you were able to find out who this person was and that you are going to the police on this. I hope is all better from now on! My best wishes to you and your Family!
Right NOW... oh, how I look forward to this- a CREATIVE ESCAPE I have some pretty awful things going on. I found out who the person who has been emailing me and commenting on my blog is. I decided not to post the horrible emails and accusations. I was threatened with exposure- an ACTUAL video fr...
LOL! that is sooo funny because my husband just got me an electric typewriter from work too! I haven't test it yet, I hope it types as nice as yours!
A New Toy!
I have a new toy! I've wanted one of these forever. Well, maybe not this particular model, per se, but an electric typewriter. This baby is huge. Almost 22" wide. It looks pretty archaic, no? That's ok. It does what I want it to do. Type. And at almost 22" wide, it does what I want it to d...
OMG Teresa! I am soo sorry to hear what is happening to you! I just don't understand who can possibly do this to you, to the most sweet and caring person in the world! I hope this stops soon, you certainly do not deserve this, I am here for you if you need anything...
THEN & sharing what is going on....
I wanted to share something from Taylor's blog. I love that she started a blog to document her life and marriage now to Spencer. I was at her blog and I knew I wanted to share this- "Then" "Then" By Brad Paisley I remember, trying not to stare the night that I first met you You had me mezm...
You are an amazing person! Thanks so much for coming to dinner, everyone was so thankful and happy you came! Hope to do it again sometime!
Today went by so fast. I love getting to talk to retailers/my friends---just absorbing the good moments. My feet literally feel like they are on fire!!! I am in the hotel room feeling VERY thankful to have my shoes off. I had a magically moment happen today in the booth. Something that makes me ...
Beautiful! Can't wait to see more!!
I could NOT wait....
HERE is ONE little sneak peek of what I have been up too!!!!! Okay... could not wait until MONDAY. Can you guess what this line is???? the ruler and the white flowers are part of my new 12x12 transparency line.... layout by Jamie Harper... This line is so pretty...wish you could see it NOW in...
Hi Janna,
I am so glad I am not alone! I lost 75 lbs before I had my daughter with Weight Watchers and I just joined back, we should check on each other to stay motivated...Good Luck!
I wanna be a BIGGER LOSER!
I kept another private blog for my first bit of weight loss journey. But frankly, I'm trying to simplify. And for the 7 people that read here...well, if you read cause you like me or you just need ammo to make fun of matter. LOL! So I'm just going to "weigh in" so to speak on my weig...
Oh Teresa the suspense is killing me! I guess I am going to see you every day at CHA! :0)
Where is my KITCHEN????
Well, I can't find it because NEW TC products are EVERYWHERE. Yes, my kids are eating dinner in the family room. HA! The positive is that they are eating. RIGHT???? So excited today my design team got their boxes of product. I am getting emails from them (wow...they are ALL so talented!!!) about...
Martha Galvez is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2010
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