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Martina Voxel
Recent Activity
Happy New Year everybody. I was happy to meet Radioactive Rosca, and he told me in advance that he will have 2 stamps more, i already grabbed one a few days ago on his LH, that was just next to the Railway track i was on, and i came grab the 2nt today after publication. The 1st was last week at his station Plusia.
BBB4B | Readers' Survey | Events & Announcements | New Locations
COMING SOON! BBB4B The Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy (BBB) proudly marks its fourth anniversary this month. Founded by the visionary Boo Rojyo, this group of dedicated virtual bureaucrats issues passports, passport stamps, car licences and number plates. We also support Bellisseria's emb...
Wow, the award stamp is really beautiful, Well done Sandy. I like Robert's one too, but I think for a reward as that it s less appropriated. But i love the idea of the guy stunned by as many stamps delivered. Thank you, and yes... we can only look them here ;-)
Out & About: Toymaker's Isle | Events & Announcements | New Locations
OUT & ABOUT: TOYMAKER'S ISLE One of your editor's oldest and best friends in SL is the prolific and highly-creative builder Raven Frostwych (ravenstarr). She recently scaled down her SL involvement for personal reasons. We respect her choices and wish her well but there's no denying that's a l...
Thanks for the article and locations. I did went again to
Impervectly Pervect , it seems the terminal is still not there.
Any news of the RTCSL one too?
Thank you
Rollout of V3.00 passports to residents of all continents | Events & Announcements | New Locations
ROLLOUT OF V3.00 PASSPORTS TO RESIDENTS OF ALL CONTINENTS Version 3.00 of our Bellisserian and CDS passports has been a tremendous success. 466 copies have been issued so far and 44,000 examples collected of the 655 unique passport stamps we've created. Now it's time for residents of SL's main...
Nice article again. I did grab all stamps but one, the RTCSL one is missing, but maybe only postponed, as it s written Sansara on it, and the place is effectively on Heterocera?
Out & About: The Art Korner HUD | Embassy Opening Report | Events & Announcements | New Locations
OUT & ABOUT: THE ART KORNER HUD Interview with Frank Atisso We begin at the Artsville Café but this edition will take you much further afield. In fact, you could end up anywhere in SL! The elegant café is part of the Artsville complex, which is a major centre for SL art. Right next to the pas...
Hello. It seems it s a glitch with the 2 Kama City stamps. When i am by the 2nd one (south) it say i already have it. But i have only the north one in my passport
Getting to Know: BBB HQ - The Embassy Room | Events & Announcements | New Locations
GETTING TO KNOW: BBB HQ – THE EMBASSY ROOM Continuing our series on the resources available at BBB and Bellisseria Diplomatic Corps locations, this week we draw your attention to the Embassy Room at BBB HQ in Swordfish, Bellisseria, where you can find information about our embassy locations. It'...
Nice Gazette again today, thank you. And thank you all BBB Bureaucrats, Ambassadors and consultants for all this huge work. Thank you too All the Mole and Linden who "played the game" perfectly with their SSiD tablets (and it was a pleasure to meet you all, with or without tablet in hands.
A message from the CEO | SL20B: A look BBBack | Events & Announcements | New Locations
A MESSAGE FROM THE CEO I am delighted by the participation in this years SL20B Event. I personally thank the BBB Team – the greatest team in SL –for all their hard work, including the laborious hours they put into its success. Amanda – who threw the parties and made all the stamps. Dave – who r...
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Jul 11, 2023
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